Saturday, October 10, 2009

How To Avoid Fatal Attractions

While written for ministers, this article would be helpful to anyone seeking to safe guard their marraige.

1 comment:

  1. It seems that when God's Word tells us to avoid a situation or circumstance, He does not do so to punish us, but to keep us from sin and the consequences of that sin. My wife told me many years ago, when I first began to travel as part of my profession, that the easiest way to avoid an affair (we even use words to describe it that bely the hurt and pain it will cause!) was to never put myself in a circumstance where it could happen. For over 30 years, her advice has stood me in good stead. I have gotten strange looks and I am sure there have been people who talked about how strange I was, but I made a decision to follow my wife's advice and by the grace of God, I have never had to stand before my wife and children and tell them I have been unfaithful. Sometimes, it is really as simple as listening to God and the people he has put in our lives to give us wisdom.
