Monday, January 26, 2009

Digging out of Debt

In Sunday's sermon we talked about "Finding Financial Freedom." Specifically, we need to be free from debt. While illness and job transtions can move us into financial crisis, most of the debt problems people face come from simply spending more money than we make. Those expenses that drive us into debt are not so much house payments, car payments, and electric bills. Debt is more likely to come from eating out, buying toys (for adults this may include bigger TVs, fancier phones, more shoes) and one Diet Coke or Starbucks purchase at a time.

Sunday we used a video clip of an old Saturday Night Live skit with Steve Martin. It can be found in several places. Here's one link you can follow just in case you missed it or wanted to seee it again

I’m talking about more than just financial problems. This issue has eternal implications. There’s a far more important reason in dealing with this subject we’re going to look at than just relieving the stress in your life. Did you know that the Bible says God measures your spiritual maturity by how you handle money? Did you know that the Bible says that God measures and evaluates how much He can trust you with spiritual blessing according to your money, how you handle your finances? Did you know that what you do in heaven – the assignments and rewards and responsibilities you’re given in heaven – are in direct relationship by how wise a manager you are of your finances and possessions you are while you’re here on earth? It’s true. I didn’t say this. Jesus did. "So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?" (Luke 16:11, NIV).

The Bible says that the way you manage your money influences how much God blesses you spiritually, how much He trusts you with spiritual blessings. He says if you’re not responsible with your pennies and your dollars and you’re not very responsible with the physical and material possessions God gives you then He looks at you and thinks, “Then I can’t trust you with spiritual truths and spiritual blessing and spiritual responsibilities not only here on earth but for forever in eternity.” How you manage your money has eternal implications. It’s a big deal.

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