Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Integrity - Character Counts

Mark Beeson shared regarding Henry Cloud’s new book, integrity: the courage to meet the demands of reality. 

“In that book Cloud tells the story of a woman who asked him to speak with her adult sons. She wanted him to meet them for lunch and talk with them about success. She pressed to know what he would say to them.
Cloud made a couple of points, then told her,

Now, having said that, let’s get to the real issue that I would want to talk to them about. I would tell them that the people who possess the first two abilities are a dime a dozen. There is no shortage of talented brainy people who are very, very good at what they do and are able to work the system and schmooze other people to get things done. There are zillions of them, and we all see them every day. But if your boys are truly going to make it, they have to have the third ingredient as well:

They have to have the character to not screw it up.

Proverbs 11:4-5  
A thick bankroll is no help when life falls apart ,but a principled life can stand up to the worst. Moral character makes for smooth traveling; an evil life is a hard life.

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