Some students of spiritual disciplines have referred to it as “gorging” on God’s word. The idea is to read large sections of the Bible in a sitting. This is separate from my quiet time reading which involves shorter passages of Scripture and more time for meditation and application for the day.
This approach to Bible reading relates well to the letters that make up the New Testament. A guy like the Apostle Paul would write a letter and send it to some location like Corinth or Philippi. It was intended to be read to the believers that made up the church there. The people would gather and the entire letter would be read to the congregation.
We are used to breaking a Bible passage down in to words and phrases and carefully analyzing it from historical, theological, cultural, and linguistic viewpoints. The people who first encountered the books that made up our Bible sat and listened while the whole letter was read out loud. The idea of “gorging” on God’s word explores the experience of some of the original hearers.
SO…last night I read and highlighted Romans in a one sitting. I had never read Romans like that before. Romans is a letter the moves quickly into deep waters. Reading Romans in this fashion was like standing under a waterfall or trying to drink from a fire hydrant. The themes of the righteousness of God, the sinfulness of man, justification, sanctification, and the amazing grace of God in providing for salvation through Jesus Christ…came sweeping over me in wave after wave of God’s glorious revelation of Himself to us in these amazing sixteen chapters of God’s Word.
Like the first believers who experienced Paul’s letter, I felt overwhelmed, blessed, pinned to the wall, breathless, and ever so thankful for my Savior. The words echo in my heart and mind today, “We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us” (Romans 8:37, NIV). If you dare, lash yourself to a chair, put on safety goggles and a crash helmet, and jump into the deep end of the pool. The water’s fine.