Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Evangelist Billy Graham Has Died

Evangelist Billy Graham Has Died – 'America's pastor' shaped modern evangelicalism.

Rick Warren: What I Learned from Billy

Rick Warren: What I Learned from Billy – “Focus. Integrity. And a God-directed heart.”

Lead Us Not Into Scandal

Lead Us Not Into Scandal – “While some other evangelicals stumbled in national news, Graham's Modesto Manifesto kept him from falling.”

Thank You, Billy Graham

Thank You, Billy Graham – Thom Rainer reflects on Graham’s life and ministry.

Spiritual Obesity

Spiritual Obesity“We lack for nothing. When was the last time you felt needy, weak, or deprived? Try going twenty-four, or even twelve hours without food. The point is not the feeling—it’s for what or to whom do you look for help.”

You Can Win the War Against Sin: Three Promises for Today’s Temptation

You Can Win the War Against Sin: Three Promises for Today’s Temptation – “If you’re a Christian, you know war.”

Designed for Relationships

Designed for Relationships – “As the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have always lived in relationship, so we were created to live in relationship—first with God and then with others who are made in the image of God.”

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

What Christians Don't Understand about Prayer

What Christians Don't Understand about Prayer – Joe McKeever provides some practical steps to growing your prayer life.

What Does it Mean to Abide in Christ?

What Does it Mean to Abide in Christ?“The exhortation to ‘abide’ has been frequently misunderstood, as though it were a special, mystical, and indefinable experience. But Jesus makes clear that it actually involves a number of concrete realities.”

Does It Bother You That God Barred Moses from the Promised Land?

Does It Bother You That God Barred Moses from the Promised Land? – “Numbers 20 doesn’t bother me anymore. It challenges me, as God always intended it to. I’m thankful for the warning this story provides. I’m thankful also that even in this act of judgment, God’s heart of holy love shines.”

Studying God’s Word When You’re Tired and Busy

Studying God’s Word When You’re Tired and Busy“In any given season, a myriad of factors can keep us from reading the Bible: limited time, guilt, a lack of discipline, a lack of desire, unrealistic expectations of what time in the Word should look like, a lack of mental energy, or utter exhaustion.”

Senate Chaplain Explains Why "The View" Insulted Mike Pence's Faith

Senate Chaplain Explains Why "The View" Insulted Mike Pence's Faith – “The Bible says spiritual things are spiritually discerned and if you do not have a biblical world view or if you do not have an experiential relationship with the transcendent, many times you will undervalue weapons that you use in spiritual warfare.”

The Joy of an Unaccomplished Life

The Joy of an Unaccomplished Life – “To lead a quiet life doesn’t mean we lower our expectations; it means we lower our eyes. We look beside us. We look around us. Rather than gaping upward at the next trophy we’ll win, the next raise we’ll earn, we look beside us at the people whom God has placed in our lives for us to serve.”

The Tragedy Of Adultery

The Tragedy Of Adultery“It is a tragedy that sells papers: sex, power, conflict, money – it has it all. An opportunity to embarrass and divide the government, to bring down a leader, to reveal the hypocrisy of a religious moralist – it is a politician’s and journalist’s dream. But apparently the politicians/journalists had to handle it delicately lest they be accused of moralizing.”

Monday, February 19, 2018

7 Musts for Your Marriage

7 Musts for Your Marriage – Here’s a good word on marriage taken from 1 Corinthians 13.

Why is ‘Work’ a Bad Word?

Why is ‘Work’ a Bad Word? – Here’s a good word about work on a Monday.

The Dangers of Digital Babylon

The Dangers of Digital Babylon – “Although we are not in physical Babylon, we are very much living in digital Babylon, an all-pervasive digital culture extremely hostile to the Christian faith and true spirituality.”

Why Do Christians Still Die?

Why Do Christians Still Die? – “I was recently standing at the graveside of a dear Christian friend when the question crossed my mind: Why do Christians have to die? Why can't they just live and then go to heaven without passing through the experience of death?”

Trying to Get our Morals Back

Trying to Get our Morals Back“In the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal and a whole pile of other celebrity accusations, it has been sadly fascinating watching the west trying to claw its way back to some form of morality.”

The Battle Against Sin and Self

The Battle Against Sin and Self – “Take a moment to think of that one sin—you know, the one that just keeps creeping up and bearing its ugly head. Is it laziness? Gossip? Porn? Greed? Whatever it may be, what steps are you taking to kill it?”

Sunday, February 18, 2018

The Ordinary VS the Extraordinary Marriage

The Ordinary VS the Extraordinary Marriage – “Sadly, most marriages that we see in today’s world fall short of that goal. Couples settle for less than what God would have for them.”

Lord, Tell Me All I Have in You

Lord, Tell Me All I Have in You – “It is a remarkable thing — almost too good to be true — that the God of ages past offers himself to us in the present as our truest satisfaction and deepest delight. After everything else we’ve tried, after all the other ways we've sought to find joy, after all the places we've looked and run to for satisfaction.”

Saturday, February 17, 2018

The Comfort Found Only in the Church

The Comfort Found Only in the Church – “May our friendships in the church be unique. May they be marked by gospel comfort.”

Owning Our Jar-of-Clay-ness

Owning Our Jar-of-Clay-ness – “Lord Jesus...You are the treasure all other currencies mimic and counterfeit. Nothing compares to the greatness of knowing you and the wonder of being loved by you.”

Will We Have Our Own Homes in Heaven?

Will We Have Our Own Homes in Heaven?“When you’re traveling late at night and you don’t know where you’re going to stay, nothing’s more discouraging than finding a No Vacancy sign. There’s no such sign in Heaven. If we’ve made our reservations by accepting God’s gift in Christ, then Heaven is wide open to us. Jesus knew what it was like to have no vacancy in the inn and to sleep in a barn. On the New Earth, He’ll have plenty of room for all of us.”

Five Words of Hope in the Midst of Horrific Pain

Five Words of Hope in the Midst of Horrific Pain “When horrific evil unfolds before our very eyes, there is a temptation to lose sight of the verities that ought to sustain and comfort us. For those watching the aftermath of the unmitigated evil of yesterday’s shooting in Florida, here are some words of hope to cling to. Hold them close.”

What Should We Make of the Massive Repetition of Tabernacle Details in Exodus?

What Should We Make of the Massive Repetition of Tabernacle Details in Exodus? – “If we believe that all Scripture is useful and profitable (2 Tim 3:16-17), and we are to take heed of what God has revealed about himself, how might we approach chapters 35-39 of Exodus? Will we simply skip them, trusting the lessons from Exodus 26-31 to be sufficient? Or does the Lord have more for us than that?”

Confessing Sin in the Midst of Suffering

Confessing Sin in the Midst of Suffering “Oh, the arrow of conviction through my heart. The Spirit wasn’t whispering. He was shouting. Complaining destroys the soul. I’m not suffering because of my sin, but my sin certainly doesn’t help me endure in my suffering.”

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Marriage Is a Love Declared, Not Discovered

Marriage Is a Love Declared, Not Discovered – “Those two little words ‘I do’ are a pledge to be faithful and to love each other no matter how hard it gets, no matter what comes, no matter how much either one of them might want to get up and walk away.”

Praying For Our Children

Praying For Our Children – “Parenting children is hard work.”

Five Reasons for Assisted Suicide (And Crucial Responses to Each One)

Five Reasons for Assisted Suicide (And Crucial Responses to Each One) – “Assisted suicide is not far off—it’s a reality for many in the west. We must educate ourselves. Think this through. Be ready. Life is fragile and each of us, or a family member, or friend will likely soon need to be prepared with a solid understanding of end of life issues.”

The Slow Miracle of the Lord’s Day

The Slow Miracle of the Lord’s Day – “The Sabbath is designed to work slowly, quietly, seemingly imperceptively in reorienting believers’ appetites heavenward. It is not a quick fix, nor is it necessarily a spiritual high. It is an ‘outward and ordinary’ ordinance, part of the steady and healthy diet of the means of grace.”

How to Honor Your Parents as a Young Adult

How to Honor Your Parents as a Young Adult“This article speaks to young adults who grew up in safe environments with the common relational difficulties that exist within families.”

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Marriage Tune Up: Five Books, Five Questions

Marriage Tune Up: Five Books, Five Questions – Here are five questions to ask yourself and your spouse on Valentine’s Day.

The One Person Who Can’t Be Themselves in Our Culture

The One Person Who Can’t Be Themselves in Our Culture“In this age when everyone is allowed to be themselves to the fullest extent imaginable, there’s one person who constantly doesn’t get that opportunity: Jesus.”

Scripture and Resources for Husbands and Fathers

Scripture and Resources for Husbands and Fathers – “Families are God’s precious gift to us, and they require our attention even in days of pressure and busyness. Here are three verses about wives and children, followed by some links to resources.”

Advice to Guys Who Want to Date My Daughters

Advice to Guys Who Want to Date My Daughters – “Men, you can do this! You can show manful care. Bring glory to Christ by being countercultural in your dateless, sex-saturated generation where men have the backbone of a jellyfish.”

What City Was Once “The Jerusalem of the East?”

What City Was Once “The Jerusalem of the East?” – “Let me share with you a few historical events that make Pyongyang such an important city in the history of Korean Christianity.”

Repenting of Confirmation Bias Christianity

Repenting of Confirmation Bias Christianity“What is our bias? That we are the center of the universe. That our happiness is what is most important in life and that our preferences are—or ought to be—the laws of the land. So whatever fits this bias is ‘true.’”

Looming Debate Over SSA

Looming Debate Over SSA – Rick Philips discusses the problem of affirming same-sex-attraction or “gay Christian” as a Christian category.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Four Steps to Rebuild Trust

Four Steps to Rebuild Trust – “According to one researcher, trust is the cornerstone of every relationship. But how do we become trustworthy? And how do we regain trust in someone when they’ve done something to betray our trust?”

When God’s Love Is Confusing

When God’s Love Is Confusing – “Nothing and no one can separate us from His love. But sometimes His love for us looks different than what we expect. Sometimes we might not recognize it as love at all. We might be confused by it.”

What We Did With All Our Free Time

What We Did With All Our Free Time“In 1930 economist John Maynard Keyes posited that one of the most difficult things in the 21st century would be how to manage all of our leisure time.”

People Aren’t Yes-Or-No Answers

People Aren’t Yes-Or-No Answers“If I quickly (and sometimes dismissively) answer their question without asking further questions, I’m missing the opportunity to both be like Christ AND answer their real questions.”

How to Teach Boys to Respect Women

How to Teach Boys to Respect Women – “Every Christian teaches the next generation of men, since all of us are responsible for building up the body of Christ. So what’s most important in rearing boys to respect women?”

Monday, February 12, 2018

5 Reasons Christians Shouldn't Be Cynical

5 Reasons Christians Shouldn't Be Cynical  - “Good things don’t last. Bad guys win. Corruption is everywhere. We live in a fallen world, full of fallen people with fallen hearts. So, why shouldn’t we be cynical?”

7 Truths to Affirm from Genesis 1:1-2:4

7 Truths to Affirm from Genesis 1:1-2:4 – These truths carve a path to the life God can bless.

The Danger of Gossip

The Danger of Gossip – “So how do you know if you’re hearing (or sharing) gossip? Here are some clues as to the various motives that fuel gossip.”

The Gratitude Inoculation

The Gratitude Inoculation – We can learn a lot about gratitude through the book of Deuteronomy. Tony Woodlief shares what he learned through his study, and how it can teach us as well. 

Avoiding Pride in a World of Selfie Sticks and Social Media Platforms

Avoiding Pride in a World of Selfie Sticks and Social Media Platforms“God gave us a self, not so that we would have something to exalt in, but something to exalt with.”

Salvation in the Slums: A Family Legacy

Salvation in the Slums: A Family Legacy – “We need people who recognize that real evangelism isn’t merely social care and social concern but is the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” 

All Other Ground is Sinking Sand: A Portrait of Theological Disaster

All Other Ground is Sinking Sand: A Portrait of Theological Disaster – “The “Illumination Project” should serve as yet another reminder of what becomes inevitable once the full authority and truthfulness of the Bible are abandoned.”

Lord, Set Me Free from Fear

Lord, Set Me Free from Fear – “That power, which freed Peter from fear and fueled his boldness, is available to every Christian. It is ours for the asking, and ours for the taking.”

4 Grave Dangers in Every Sin

4 Grave Dangers in Every Sin – “Here are four grave dangers in every sin.”

The Ministry of Spiritual Grandparenting

The Ministry of Spiritual Grandparenting – “What role do we have, or does any older family member have, for children who are not our own but for whom we care deeply?”

Saturday, February 10, 2018

100 Healing Words for Every Harmful Syllable

100 Healing Words for Every Harmful Syllable – “Heavenly Father, this tapestry of Scriptures reminds us that nothing carries more power for hope and harm, building up and tearing down, giving life and killing beauty, than our words. Therefore, as this day begins, we choose to steward our words, even more so than our money.”

The Incredible “Mehness” Of Social Media

The Incredible “Mehness” Of Social Media “Social media isn’t necessarily bad, but it has great potential to keep us from the truly valuable things that God has called us to do. It can pull us into battles that aren’t ours to fight and burdens that aren’t ours to carry. When that happens, the things that are truly important are neglected and suffer.”

Face to Face with Death

Face to Face with Death“Death is a wretched and pitiless enemy without mercy. But death doesn’t get the final word. Our triune God does.” 

Do We Have to Forgive Someone If They Don’t Repent?

Do We Have to Forgive Someone If They Don’t Repent?Here are three things to remember about forgiveness and why it is always necessary.”

Who Is the God of Mormonism?

Who Is the God of Mormonism? – “One thing you’ll discover as you’re talking with your Mormon (LDS) friends is that though we use the same terms, we often mean very different things. Mormons have different definitions of Gospel, repentance, salvation, grace, Hell, and nearly every term you’ll be using in your conversation.”

Friday, February 9, 2018

When Your New Year's Resolutions Have Flown Out the Window

When Your New Year's Resolutions Have Flown Out the Window – “If you’re feeling defeated by your resolutions, trust that God is working in the midst of your disappointment. Hold your resolutions with an open hand and watch for the blessings that come when you give them fully to the Lord.”

3 Reasons Your “Time Hacks” Aren’t Helping

3 Reasons Your “Time Hacks” Aren’t Helping – “If you are not familiar with the term, “time hacking” often refers to experimenting with your approach to life, schedules, and time management to ensure you are finding as much time as possible for what is most important.”

The Worst Time for Christian Persecution in Human History

The Worst Time for Christian Persecution in Human History – “According to a new report from Aid to the Church in Need, a Catholic charity, persecution against Christians is the worst it’s ever been in human history.”

31 questions to ask for a more Christ-centered 2018

31 questions to ask for a more Christ-centered 2018 – These are great questions for discipleship and positive counseling.

35 Truths That Have Changed My Life

35 Truths That Have Changed My Life – These are some good life lessons and truths.

Why Do I Believe in Credobaptism?

Why Do I Believe in Credobaptism?“Why believe that baptism should only be granted to those who can profess faith?”

Neglect the Great Commandment, Hinder the Great Commission

Neglect the Great Commandment, Hinder the Great Commission – “To be faithful witnesses to Christ, we must embrace the supreme Christian ethic: love.”

Undone In a Minute

Undone In a Minute “If you still don’t think adultery can utterly destroy a man’s life work, you would do well to contemplate the recent resignation and confession of Larry Taunton.”

God Wants More for You Than You Do

God Wants More for You Than You Do – How are your resolutions for the new year going? “The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak” (Matthew 26:41).

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Why You Desperately Need the Holy Spirit

Why You Desperately Need the Holy Spirit“We must be dependent on the Holy Spirit for help in three major areas of life.”

Why Being a Friend of Sinners Is a Good Thing

Why Being a Friend of Sinners Is a Good Thing – “Those who know the Friend of Sinners will be a friend to sinners.”

Brokenness Is Not a Barrier

Brokenness Is Not a Barrier – “As J. I. Packer has said, weakness is always the way so that God always gets the glory.”

9 Things You Should Know About the Winter Olympics

9 Things You Should Know About the Winter Olympics – These aren’t spiritual things but they are helpful to know as the Olympics begin.

Gloria Copeland: Jesus “redeemed us from the curse of the flu”

Gloria Copeland: Jesus “redeemed us from the curse of the flu” – “Why do you need a Great Physician today?”

Growing Old Graciously

Growing Old Graciously“I’ve seen men and women grow old well. And I’ve seen some men and women grow old not so well. I do not want to be in the latter camp.” Here are some suggestions from Jared Wilson.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

5 Christian Athletes to Watch in the PyeongChang Winter Olympics

5 Christian Athletes to Watch in the PyeongChang Winter Olympics – “Among the athletes competing are five Olympians who have spoken openly about their Christian faith. Learn a bit about them below and root them on during the Olympics as they seek to glorify God by excelling in their sport.”

10 Types of Thinking That Undergird Depression-Anxiety

10 Types of Thinking That Undergird Depression-Anxiety – “There are styles of thinking that are highly prone to cause and perpetuate depression-anxiety. The first step for someone to stop biting their nails is to realize they are doing it. Likewise, an important step in overcoming depression-anxiety is to recognize these patterns of thought as they are occurring.”

Don’t Let Your Children Choose Your Church

Don’t Let Your Children Choose Your Church“Could it be that parents are capitulating on a serious-minded approach to the faith and a serious minded approach to the local church because they want to make their children happy? Why is this a dangerous idea? Why should parents refrain from allowing their children to make the decision regarding the family’s church membership?”

Do You Struggle with Doubts?

Do You Struggle with Doubts?“The work of the Holy Spirit in the hour of trial is to preserve you from faith-destroying doubt and to give you the sweet gift of assurance.”

Will Sexual Propriety Make a Comeback?

Will Sexual Propriety Make a Comeback? – “Long desensitized by immorality and a narrative that charts progress based on the breaking of sexual taboos, perhaps these recent cultural alarms will wake up a slumbering society and lead people to question the “progress” that has led to our downward spiral of perversity.”

Why I Thank God For My Painful Mid-Life Crisis

Why I Thank God For My Painful Mid-Life Crisis “The disorientation of midlife is the result of the collision of a powerful personal awareness and a powerful personal interpretation… Suddenly we see things about ourselves that have been developing for years but went by unnoticed.”

The Sweetest Words We Never Want to Hear

The Sweetest Words We Never Want to Hear – “Correction may not look like grace, feel like grace, or sound like grace, but it may just prove to be some of the sweetest grace you’ve tasted.”

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Your Conscience Tells You What not to Do, Wisdom Tells You What to Do

Your Conscience Tells You What not to Do, Wisdom Tells You What to Do – “You either listen to your conscience or you ignore it. It’s a stop sign that you either stop at or run. But consciences don’t tell you what to do. They warn you about what not to do. You see: our conscience warns us against unjust acts, but wisdom tells us how to act wisely.”

Jesus is Never Late

Jesus is Never Late – “Jesus is there with you in your need, not only before or after it. Help is help only when it comes on time. Jesus is never late.”

How to Take Communion

How to Take Communion – Here are a series of good reminders when preparing for the Lord’s Supper.

Hatmaker Explains Why She Rejected the “bad fruit” of the Bible’s Teaching about Sexuality

Hatmaker Explains Why She Rejected the “bad fruit” of the Bible’s Teaching about Sexuality – “Jesus says that his commands are not burdensome (Matt. 11:28-30), but Hatmaker says that they are not only burdensome but also harmful to people. Who is right? Hatmaker or Jesus?”

The Power of De-Conversion Stories: How Jen Hatmaker is Trying to Change Minds About the Bible

The Power of De-Conversion Stories: How Jen Hatmaker is Trying to Change Minds About the Bible“De-conversion stories are designed not to reach non-Christians but to reach Christians.  And their purpose is to convince them that their crusty, backwards, outdated, naïve beliefs are no longer worthy of their assent.  Whether done privately or publicly, this is when a person simply gives their testimony of how they once thought like you did and have now seen the light.”

Monday, February 5, 2018

Heavenly Stepping-Stones

Heavenly Stepping-Stones – “The Lord has clearly laid out the stepping-stones for us. Following His steps each Lord’s Day will help prepare and lead us eagerly to our final meeting with Him.”

Super Bowl LII Brings Bold Testimonies of Faith and Many Opportunities for Prayer

Super Bowl LII Brings Bold Testimonies of Faith and Many Opportunities for Prayer – NFL players leverage their visibility to fight human trafficking and pediatric cancer.

3 Ways to Pass on Faith to the Next Generation

3 Ways to Pass on Faith to the Next Generation – “Mistakes made by one Christian generation are often magnified in the next, nominal one. Commitment is replaced by complacency—and then by compromise.”

Help My Unbelief

Help My Unbelief – “When... you read beautiful descriptions of Jesus and his work in the world and big descriptions of a magnificent God, don’t close your Bible and not say anything about your faith.”

The Healing Power of Forgiven Sin

The Healing Power of Forgiven Sin – “The greatest need for the paralytic was not the revival of his limbs, but the renewal of his soul. And this restoration came not through the healing that was to follow, but through the knowledge that his sin was forgiven.”

It Is Well With My Soul

It Is Well With My Soul – In the middle of suffering, can you say, “It is well with my soul?”
On Fire for Christ “John Rogers stands in a long parade of God-centered men; men who preached the truth, confronted sin, lived uncompromising lives, and finished strong.”

The Lord Is on the Move in the Muslim World—Here’s Five Ways Satan Seeks to Undermine That Work

The Lord Is on the Move in the Muslim World—Here’s Five Ways Satan Seeks to Undermine That Work – “We must not be unaware of Satan’s schemes. Satan will resist us, but God will not be mocked by his schemes. Jesus will send workers into the harvest to take the good news where Muslims are perishing in unbelief. All we need to do is ask in faith.”

Saturday, February 3, 2018


FaithlandThis interesting map displays “Religious adherents as a percentage of all residents by county, 2010.” Essentially, it maps America by religion.

Greeting Your Spouse With Warmth and Enthusiasm

Greeting Your Spouse With Warmth and Enthusiasm – “Your greeting and expressions of love don’t have to be bold and dramatic every time. But adding warmth and enthusiasm gives you the chance to touch your mate’s heart in subtle, unspoken ways.”

One Question to Ask Before You Text

One Question to Ask Before You Text – “The next time you whip out the phone, ask yourself this simple question before you fire off a text: Why?

Friday, February 2, 2018

Depressed and Thankful: 6 Ways to Find Joy

Depressed and Thankful: 6 Ways to Find Joy – “A melancholy side to my personality makes me prone to see the glass as half empty. I realize that for many individuals, medication is truly necessary. But the weapon that has made the most difference in my life in fighting depression, and something we can all benefit from, is gratitude.”

Called to the Cubicle

Called to the Cubicle – “Regardless of where we work, we’re all in full-time ministry.”

Why You Can’t Measure the Value of Homemaking

Why You Can’t Measure the Value of Homemaking – “As we consider our work and the work of those around us, remember that the size of the paycheck does not equal a job’s value to God. Many very important tasks do not come with a wage attached.” 

Hallelujah for the Bible’s Last Command

Hallelujah for the Bible’s Last Command – The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come.”

Holiness Will Make You Unbelievably Happy

Holiness Will Make You Unbelievably Happy – “When has your life been most characterized by holiness? I can tell you when. It’s when you’ve been most in love with Jesus. It’s when you’ve been most full of faith in his promises so that you live by them. It’s when his gospel has been most meaningful and his mission has been most compelling.”

Reflections on the Megachurch

Reflections on the MegachurchMaking and growing disciples is more important than butts in seats.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

The Greatest Gospel Opportunity in a Generation—Lost

The Greatest Gospel Opportunity in a Generation—Lost – “Christians everywhere and at any point in time should be concerned with two agendas: First, are we reaching the lost? Second, are we deepening our discipleship?”

Why You Should Avoid the Gospel of Comfort

Why You Should Avoid the Gospel of Comfort – “We live in a time where comfort quickly can become an idol. Instant gratification is made easy with technology; we are constantly bombarded with ads and commercials that remind us how much better life could be if we just had more.”

Without Love, We Are Nothing

Without Love, We Are Nothing“I don’t get excited about behaviors in and of themselves. I’m excited about how passionately engaged you are with God, and the works that flow from that.”

When the Money Runs Out

When the Money Runs Out – There are some lessons we’ll never learn unless we go through times of want and need.

Depressed and Thankful: 6 Ways to Find Joy

Depressed and Thankful: 6 Ways to Find Joy – “God calls us to be thankful people. And it’s the very attitude of thanksgiving that can transform our lives. If you find yourself wandering down the dark path of depression and despair, here are six simple ways to fight for joy through gratefulness.”

Cultural Indicators: The Fertility Rate

Cultural Indicators: The Fertility RateJoe Carter provides a helpful overview of how fertility rates are measured and how they matter.

4 Ways Netflix Perpetuates Modern Anxieties

4 Ways Netflix Perpetuates Modern Anxieties – The article is not ant-Netflix but it makes some great observations about our times.