Saturday, August 20, 2016

Praying for a New School Year - Prayer Guide

As we begin a new school year, consider prayerwalking (or prayer-driving) near your local school. God has great room to work in the mission field that is our educational system. Here are some suggestions for prayerwalking your neighborhood schools.

WHAT IS PRAYERWALKING?  Prayerwalking involves walking and praying in the location or near the location where you expect God will be answering the prayer.  It flows from the idea of Joshua 1:3, “I will give you every place where you set your foot…”  As we walk and pray we come to see our schools, our neighbors, and our city through God’s eyes. We can begin to sense where God is at work and how we can be a part of it.

Be alert as you walk, keep your eyes open and be observant.

Ask God to let you see through His eyes.

Pray aloud.  Verbalizing your prayers helps focus on the object of prayer.

Allow the Holy Spirit to lead your prayer.  Pray for what you see and what you don't see - the people behind the doors of homes; those who will fill the school buildings this week.

Walk with someone else – a friend or with your family.  Pray together.  Take turns praying short prayers about a certain subject or area of focus.

Walk slowly to allow time to observe.

Pray for God's love and compassion to be known by the people you pray for.  Ask God to remove all barriers that hinder belief in Jesus.

Be alert to how the Holy Spirit may be leading.  Sometimes it may be to speak to someone along the way.  Watch for open doors to witness.  Also, be alert for opportunities to pray for spiritual and other needs.


“These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts.  Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” (Deuteronomy 6:6-7).

1. Pray that God will protect the students from harm.
2. Pray that God will have a growing influence in the lives of each student.
3. Pray for God’s blessings on the students as they learn and grow.
4. Pray for the families of each student.  Pray for strong marriages and wise parents.
5. Pray that God will open doors of opportunity for each student to hear about Jesus.
6. Pray for students to avoid temptation and even the appearance of evil.
7. Pray for Christian students on campuses to be strong in their faith and testimony for Christ.

“Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and  pray to the LORD on its behalf; for in its welfare you will have welfare.” (Jeremiah 29:7).

1. Pray for wisdom, direction, and strength for the members of the school board.
2. Pray for the those serving in the district administration offices.
3. Pray regarding decisions made by state and national bodies that affect our local   schools.
4. Pray that God will give school district leaders clear vision for the future.
5. Pray for God’s blessing and watchcare over the lives and families of each teacher, staff member, and administrator.
6. Pray for Christians in the schools to represent Christ and give clear testimony to Him.
7. Pray for those who are not yet believers that they will be open to Christian testimony.
8. Pray that God will open doors for the Gospel to be communicated.
9. Pray for teachers and administrators by name.

“Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up.” (Luke 18:1).

1. Pray that we will be quick to pray and slow to criticize.
2. Pray for the involvement of Christians in the support of the schools.
3. Pray for opportunity to build witnessing relationships.
4. Pray that by word, example, and deed Christian testimony will shine through into needy lives.
5. Pray that Christians will have a reputation for support and encouragement.
6. Pray that if Christians feel impressed to challenge a practice they will do so with Christlike love and compassion.
7. Pray that our praying will not be limited to one day at the beginning of the school year.

“For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.”
(Matthew 18:20).

         You are encouraged to pray for your neighbors and the children in your child’s classroom.  God will bring other specific things to mind as you seek to be sensitive to His will.  God honors the prayers of His people.  Perhaps God would lead you to form a group to pray together on a regular basis for our schools or for your children’s school in particular.  May God raise up an army of prayer warriors in our community as Lighthouses of Prayer.

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