Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Inventory of the Heart – (Part 8 of 13)

Inventory of the Heart – (Part 8 of 13) – I came upon this spiritual inventory of questions in Ronnie Floyd’s book, The Power of Prayer and Fasting. A “yes” to any of the inventory questions reveals a need for confession of sin.

Each day, over the next several days, I’m going to share one of the inventory focus points. I invite you to join me in this spiritual journey. Ask God that His Holy Spirit would search you with His holiness and reveal to you any sin. Journal what God is teaching you each day. We’ll see where God leads.

8. Do not…give place to the devil. (Ephesians 4:26-27, NKJV). Do we close our eyes to the possibility that we may be a landing strip for Satan when we open our minds to him through ungodly practices, psychic predictions, occult literature, and violent, sex-driven, sexually perverted movies and DVDs? Do we seek counsel for daily living from horoscopes in the paper, on television, or on the Web rather than from God, our true and ultimate source for living? Do we let Satan use us to set up barriers that inhibit the cause of Christ in our churches and in our homes through criticism and gossip?

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