As a new school year begins, teens jump back into the school scene: clubs, band, football, after-school activities, friends, new classes, new teachers, and homework.
The best way to prepare yourself and your teens for the challenging days of a new school year is to start out on your knees in prayer. Praying for your teen is a monumental task, but it makes a difference in your teen's life and in yours. Where do you begin?
Take a look at these 10 areas that relate to your teens' everyday lives and put them on your prayer list. Decide now to spend time together as parents praying for your teens regularly this year. What a difference your prayers will make in the lives of your teens; and you, too, will experience greater wisdom and peace for the parenting challenge. (see full article)
You are right, prayer is so important both for you and your child. It makes you receptive to the ways in which God would have you parent your child. It also offers protection to them as well.