Saturday, May 8, 2010

Planning for the Lord's Day

In his book Expository Listening Ken Ramey offers a list of ways you can "Plan Ahead, and Schedule Your Week Around the Ministry of the Word." For many families Sunday becomes a stressfull, hurried experience and "getting to church" takes away from the worship that should be happening at church. He offers several practical suggestions on how to prioritize the Lord's Day:

1 comment:

  1. I have learned a few practical suggestions myself, regarding the "Sunday process", including:
    1. Standing at the front door, rattling keys, does not get you to church with the family on time;
    2. Reading your BFG lesson, while your wife dresses herself, the kids and feeds breakfast, will not make you more spiritual;
    3. Slamming the car door as you get into the car will not make your wife appreciate your "spiritual attitude;" and last,
    4. Telling the pastor that you would have been on time but your wife made you late, does not give her an incentive to be on time!
