Monday, May 30, 2022

With Us Now and til the End

With Us Now and til the End – “Do you believe that you are called by the Great Commission to reach all people for the love of Christ, but his love will not always reach you where you are?”

Morality over Doctrine?

Morality over Doctrine? – “There’s no such thing as an action detached from a belief system. There are only actors ignorant of their belief systems.”

Bear Witness in Word and Deed

Bear Witness in Word and Deed – “To be truly gospel-centered, we must be gospel-transformed. We must preach the good news and be devoted to good works for the glory of his name.”

Living as People of the Truth in a Post-Truth World

Living as People of the Truth in a Post-Truth World – “In short, we want truth when it conforms to our own point of view and affirms what we already believe. Facts are willingly sacrificed to project an agenda or affirm one’s own bias.”

Sunday, May 29, 2022

3 Ways to Stay Focused While Praying

3 Ways to Stay Focused While Praying – Here are three helpful suggestions.

The Most Important Question for Graduates

The Most Important Question for Graduates – “Paul is not only concerned with what Timothy is doing; he’s concerned with who Timothy is becoming.”

The FAQs: Report Reveals Sexual Abuse Cover-Up by Southern Baptist Entity

The FAQs: Report Reveals Sexual Abuse Cover-Up by Southern Baptist Entity – “On Sunday, a 288-page report commissioned by the Southern Baptist Convention was released that finds allegations of sexual abuse were ignored or covered up for nearly 20 years by senior members of the denomination’s Executive Committee.”

By Faith Abel

By Faith Abel – “Why did God approve of Abel’s offering, but not Cain’s? It’s not a simple question to answer, especially if you limit yourself to the facts of the story as told in Genesis.”

Wounds in Beauty Glorified

Wounds in Beauty Glorified – “Why did Jesus’s body bear the visible marks of his death on the cross?” 

5 Considerations of an Action

5 Considerations of an Action – “Biblically speaking, we may analyze every action on the basis of at least 5 ethical considerations. They are: motive, intention, the action itself, the impact it has on others, and people’s perception of the given action.”

How To Talk With Kids About Shootings

How To Talk With Kids About Shootings – “When kids see or hear about shootings, it can cause anxiety, fear, grief, helplessness and anger. It is important that we guide them toward stability and trust in God. Here are some key tips you can use when talking with kids about tragic events like this shooting.”

Texas School Shooting Begs the Question: Where Is God?

Texas School Shooting Begs the Question: Where Is God? – “How can we comfort when pure evil leaves us paralyzed, numb and questioning? How can we live by faith in God’s promises when what we would prefer is an explanation? How can we find peace when we will never be the same?”

Are We Passing Wonder-Filled Faith to Our Children?

Are We Passing Wonder-Filled Faith to Our Children? – “Wonder-filled faith is about the childlike faith we were never meant to outgrow.”


Graduation: The Joyful Grief of Letting Go

Graduation: The Joyful Grief of Letting Go – “These children we love, we raise, we teach, we catechize, we hug, we train—one day they grow up and go away. It’s the goal for which we’ve planned, prepared, and prayed.”

Our Hope in the Ascension

Our Hope in the Ascension – “Of all the aspects of Christ’s work in his state of exaltation, the Ascension is one of the most overlooked.” 

4 Layers to Gaining Wisdom

4 Layers to Gaining Wisdom – So, where do we start? Let me first offer the foundational building blocks of wisdom.”


Seeing Is Not Believing: Why We Miss God in Daily Life

Seeing Is Not Believing: Why We Miss God in Daily Life – “Perhaps you’ve had unbelieving friends or neighbors tell you they will believe when they see God writing his message in the clouds. I can tell you firsthand, this is untrue.”

Friday, May 20, 2022

Encountering God Should Make You Afraid

Encountering God Should Make You Afraid – “The fear of God is not primarily a fear of something (for instance, judgment) but of someone. It is God himself who provokes our phobia. He is different from us, not only because we’re mere creatures, but because we’re sinful.”

Pressure and Shame From the Increasing Paradox Surrounding Our Bodies

Pressure and Shame From the Increasing Paradox Surrounding Our Bodies – We are constantly tempted to not take care of the one body the Lord has given us or to make our body the focus of our lives. We live in a world where it is easier to both abuse and adore our bodies. The result is a lot of pressure and a lot of shame.”

You Were Sealed by the Spirit

You Were Sealed by the Spirit – “This seal signified three realities: security, ownership, and authenticity.”

What Does the Bible Say About Refugees?

What Does the Bible Say About Refugees? – “More evangelicals cite the media as the primary influence on their views of refugees and immigrants than those who cite the Bible, their local churches, or the views of national Christian leaders combined.”


How Do I Not Provoke My Children?

How Do I Not Provoke My Children? – “How do ways of fathering knock the life out of a child, discourage a child, dispirit a child? I’ve got eight of them. I’ll just name them briefly.”

Francis Chan on the Problem With ‘My Body, My Choice’

Francis Chan on the Problem With ‘My Body, My Choice’ - “For any of us who think that we can come into the presence of God and say, ‘God, why did you make me this way? Why did I go through this? This is my body, my choice.’ God says: ‘No, wait a second. No. Nothing is yours. I spoke this world into existence.'” 


Hymn vs Song – Is There a Difference?

Hymn vs Song – Is There a Difference? – I always write as smoothly as I can, but that I never did, never will, sacrifice the spirit or sense of a passage to the sound of it.”


Sexual Ethics and Colonialism for the Modern Age

Sexual Ethics and Colonialism for the Modern Age – “Perhaps this is why so many of them are keen to airbrush colonialism out of our history; so they can get away with reimagining it for the modern age on the down low?”

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Are You Afraid of the Dark?

Are You Afraid of the Dark? – This refers to the darkness of fear, discouragement, doubt, and depression.

The Flood

The Flood – “This is a poem about the joy of giving and looking beyond ourselves.”

How to Talk to Your Kids About Mass Shootings

How to Talk to Your Kids About Mass Shootings – “As parents, we need to be ready for these conversations. Here are four talking points to consider when your kids ask questions about mass shootings.”

Submit Your Felt Reality to God

Submit Your Felt Reality to God – “Reality is reality. It’s objective. It’s what’s actually happening. Felt reality is what’s happening from my vantage point. It’s reality framed by my own thoughts, assumptions, and emotions.”

Parents, Bring Your Children to Worship

Parents, Bring Your Children to Worship – “We must help Christians see that including children in worship is not only proper biblically, but it’s also one of the most important things we can do for them. How can we say that?”

Is “Be True to Yourself” Good Advice?

Is “Be True to Yourself” Good Advice? – “Today, we have a do-it-yourself self or a self-made self, which looks only inward to find itself. Academics call this expressive individualism.”

The Blessing of Rest

The Blessing of Rest – “No matter how strong we are, how much energy we think we have, or how necessary we perceive ourselves to be, we all need to rest from time to time.”

The FAQs: What Christians Should Know About the ‘Great Replacement’ Theory

The FAQs: What Christians Should Know About the ‘Great Replacement’ Theory – Last week, a mass shooting took place with the accused motivated by “great replacement theory”. Here are some things to know about that. “The Great Replacement theory is the latest version of a century-old white genocide conspiracy theory.”

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

You Are Redeemed by the Son

You Are Redeemed by the Son – “Redemption is freedom from slavery by the payment of a ransom; it is the purchase of liberation resulting in new ownership. That is what Jesus accomplished for us.” 

16 Satanic Lies About Worship

16 Satanic Lies About Worship – “What has the evil advisor told you in the secret recesses of your mind and heart to dissuade you from worship?”

How to Wait Patiently for the Lord’s Return

How to Wait Patiently for the Lord’s Return – “The days are evil, and some professing Christians are wandering from the faith. Others are sick, and many are suffering. Considering all of this, be patient until the coming of the Lord (James 5:7).”

Patience Is Love

Patience Is Love – “In order to love someone, we must value that person’s undying soul more than we value our own temporary convenience.”

Why Gentleness in Ministry Matters More Than You Think

Why Gentleness in Ministry Matters More Than You Think – “Preparation for ministry involves more than intellectual-doctrinal development. It also involves the development of one’s character.”

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

More than Catch-and-Release: A Vision for Making Disciples

More than Catch-and-Release: A Vision for Making Disciples – “Discipleship, then, involves both informing and forming, teaching and shaping. While teaching can be accomplished in a variety of ways, shaping requires intentional time and presence.”

Where Do You Turn When You Repent?

Where Do You Turn When You Repent? – “Repentance involves turning away (or back) from something and toward something else.”

Loving Across the Ideological Fence

Loving Across the Ideological Fence – “Society and the mainstream media tries so hard to pit everybody against one another. And they are successful for the most part. Christians must resist this. We must not cave into the cultural pressure of hating those who don’t see things the way we do.”

Helping Small Groups Learning to Pray Out Loud

Helping Small Groups Learning to Pray Out Loud – Here are some simple steps to helping grow the prayer life of a group or a family.

24 Mistakes and Misplaced Missional Energy

24 Mistakes and Misplaced Missional Energy – This provides an interesting illustration of a great truth – don’t waste your “missional energy” for the Lord on lesser things.

Lemons and Thorns

Lemons and Thorns – “There are moments when suddenly it’s like you see the good news of the gospel for the first time. Have you ever had one of them? Where it’s all fresh and new and you almost want to ‘get saved’ again because you need to respond to the wonder of these truths?”

How to Find Peace When You Feel Offended

How to Find Peace When You Feel Offended – “Opportunities for offense—and pride—are constant in our relationships with others.”

Monday, May 16, 2022

Every Knee Shall Bow

Every Knee Shall Bow – “The most basic questions of politics are how a society is to be ordered and by whom. The empty tomb reveals that the society of the redeemed is to be ordered by the resurrected Christ and ordered for the glory of God.”

6 Basic Realities about a Man’s Identity

6 Basic Realities about a Man’s Identity – “Your true identity is who God says you are. You will never discover who you are by looking inside yourself or listening to what others say. The Lord gets the first word because he made you. He gets the daily word because you live before his face. He gets the last word because he will administer your final ‘comprehensive life review.’”

The Pleasure of Giving

The Pleasure of Giving – “Here are eight reasons why it is more blessed to give money than to get it. All God’s laws are given to enhance and elevate our lives, so obeying this one will not spoil or ruin our happiness but rather increase it.”

Be a Faithful Citizen, Not a Lone Ranger

Be a Faithful Citizen, Not a Lone Ranger – “Just like God created us to require oxygen and water and food to live, he’s created us to need one another.”

For Christians Whose Testimony Seems Boring

For Christians Whose Testimony Seems Boring – “Nobody can know the depths of their depravity and the glories of God’s grace by focusing on remembered experience.”

Can Evangelicals Be Bothered to Pray?

Can Evangelicals Be Bothered to Pray? – “Christians have long struggled to exercise their most astounding privilege: permission to approach the throne of grace and talk to God, communicating with the One who makes and rules the world, who creates and redeems, who loves with an everlasting love that has overcome the power of sin, death, and the Devil.”

Why Pro-Lifers Support Laws to Punish Abortionists but Not Mothers

Why Pro-Lifers Support Laws to Punish Abortionists but Not Mothers – “Pro-lifers believe that it should be illegal to perform abortions. Thus we favor policies that punish those who perform abortions, not the mothers who allow them. Why? The answer has both a moral and legal dimension.”

The Beast I Become: How to Bring Bitterness to God

The Beast I Become: How to Bring Bitterness to God – “What we need, now and forever, is a hand upon the mane, a whispered presence to calm us. For God himself is both way and end, path and home, presence here and portion forever.”

Saturday, May 14, 2022

A Conveyor Belt

A Conveyor Belt “Jesus wants you to do the next thing in your walk with him. The next act of repentance, the next act of forgiveness, crush the next idol, love the next person above yourself, refuse the next temptation, tear down the next boundary.”

Invite Your Kids to Heaven’s Never-Ending Party

Invite Your Kids to Heaven’s Never-Ending Party – “Heaven would only be boring if we were going to stop and look at ourselves to see how we were doing, how much fun we were having, whether or not we liked this place, or how we were sounding and performing. That kind of self-consciousness will be totally foreign in heaven.”


Your Money Will Trick You

Your Money Will Trick You – “Our money lies to us, constantly. Whenever we see our accumulation of assets or the increasing dollars in our account, Mammon whispers: I am your security. I am your hope. I make the good life possible.

The Relentlessness of God’s Grace

The Relentlessness of God’s Grace “I’m amazed — stunned, actually — at the relentlessness of God’s grace.”


Two Temptations for the Post-Covid Church

Two Temptations for the Post-Covid Church – “After two years of the coronavirus, Christians are facing two temptations in relationship to the body of Christ. You might experience one or even both of these tendencies in your own life. I call them ‘a failure of heart’ and ‘a failure of nerve.'”

What Does it Mean to Examine Yourself Before Taking Communion?

What Does it Mean to Examine Yourself Before Taking Communion? – “It’s widely known among Christians that communion should be taken seriously. But sometimes I wonder if God’s people feel an unhealthy amount of angst when coming to the Lord’s table.”

he FAQs: Senate Democrats Unveil Their Roadmap for Protecting Abortion

The FAQs: Senate Democrats Unveil Their Roadmap for Protecting Abortion – “Democrats appear to believe that interstate commerce will be the justification that allows them to prevent any restrictions imposed by states.”

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Still Committed to Be Married for Life?

Still Committed to Be Married for Life? – Here are several tip and reminders for marriage through the years together.

Cultivating an Affectionate Marriage

Cultivating an Affectionate Marriage - “The simplest lesson that the Lord has taught us is the importance of time spent together. Taking time to stop, look each other in the face, and really talk, has proven crucial.”

All Is Not Lost: How We Can Respond When Bible Engagement Is Low

All Is Not Lost: How We Can Respond When Bible Engagement Is Low – “This is good news for churches! We believe that low Bible engagement among Americans presents great opportunities for growth and increased ministry impact in local communities.”

Midlife Clarity: Five Proverbs for Men in Crisis

Midlife Clarity: Five Proverbs for Men in Crisis – “Midlife not only as a trial to be endured, but an opportunity for Christian maturity.”

How Greatly Am I Loved?

How Greatly Am I Loved? – “You are spectacularly blessed for nothing in yourself. This love is absolutely unconditional.”

Why Mainstream Scholars often Differ with Evangelical Pastors on the Gospels

Why Mainstream Scholars often Differ with Evangelical Pastors on the Gospels “Why is it that if you read what Wikipedia says about the date and authorship of the Gospels, it is very different from the way most pastors in evangelical churches and most ordinary Christians talk about the Gospels?”

Meet the Early Church’s Pro-Life Movement

Meet the Early Church’s Pro-Life Movement – “Because of advances in modern science and the ongoing debates over the past century, many assume abortion is a new practice. It’s not.”

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

The Mark of a Christian

The Mark of a Christian – “That one mark has been, and will always be, love.”

We Don’t Need To Rescue Biblical Characters From Themselves

We Don’t Need To Rescue Biblical Characters From Themselves – “If we understand that the Bible is not a book of heroes to emulate, but sinners in the need of Jesus, our outlook changes a bit.”

7 Reasons We Must Not Give Up on Wayward or Unsaved Loved Ones

7 Reasons We Must Not Give Up on Wayward or Unsaved Loved Ones – “Maybe one of these reasons to keep believing will encourage you today.”

You’re Never Praying Alone

You’re Never Praying Alone – “When you approach God’s throne of grace, never envision yourself alone. We come roped together with the whole family of God, led by Jesus himself!”

Fixing our Firsts and Lasts: Trading Our Screens for Scripture

Fixing our Firsts and Lasts: Trading Our Screens for Scripture – “Only about 1 in 3 U.S. Protestant churchgoers read the Bible every day. Evangelicals are twice as likely to check Facebook today than read their Bible.”

Do You Have a Theology of Worship?

Do You Have a Theology of Worship? – “The glory of God in Jesus Christ must be the central element to a theology of worship.” 

Success is Dangerous

Success is Dangerous “It’s not a call to passivity or to excuse-making. But even the most diligent of workers can say that God has called him to be faithful, not successful.”

Do You Care About the Widows?

Do You Care About the Widows? – “Widows and their care figure prominently in the agenda that God has set for His church.”

Monday, May 9, 2022

Teach Us to Number Our Drives, That We May Gain the Hearts of Our Children

Teach Us to Number Our Drives, That We May Gain the Hearts of Our Children – “My job as a Mom means my secondary office is my car. On days when we have sports commitments, I spend hours and hours shuttling my kids around town. This is nothing new for me, and I know parents all over the world experience the same thing.”

Suffering Is No Accident

Suffering Is No Accident – “Many believe that suffering is never God’s will. But this Scripture tells us that it often is. And these verses affirm God’s faithfulness even as we suffer.”

Unlikely Fighters of the Bible

Unlikely Fighters of the Bible – “When God chooses one of us for His plan, the chosen one is often not who we might have expected. Throughout history, God has proved He uses the most unlikely people for the greatest of purposes.”

Not What I Expected

Not What I Expected – “One of the most shocking television moments I ever witnessed was on L.A. Law in the 1980s. A character everyone loved to hate, Rosalind, stepped into an elevator mid-sentence and unexpectedly plummeted to her death. That’s kind of how I felt when I became a mom.”


A Most Harmful Medicine: How Subjectivism Poisons a Society

A Most Harmful Medicine: How Subjectivism Poisons a Society – “Under the influence of this poison, moral value judgments are simply projections of irrational emotions onto an indifferent cosmos. Truth and goodness are merely words we apply to our own subjective psychological states, states that we have been socially conditioned to have.”

Saturday, May 7, 2022

4 Reasons We Should Study the Book of Revelation

4 Reasons We Should Study the Book of Revelation – These are great reasons and often the ones that are overlooked.

In Christ, We Have Direct Access to God

In Christ, We Have Direct Access to God – “In Christ, you have immediate and direct access to God. What burdens do you need to bring to his throne of grace right now?”

Salvation, Past, Present, and Future

Salvation, Past, Present, and Future – “Hebrews teaches us never to lose sight of the fact that the priesthood, sacrifices, liturgy and life of the Old Testament church are simply a rough copy. Christ is the original; He is the antitype, the pictures of the Old Testament form the type.”

A Molech Primer

A Molech Primer “Judging by responses to news that Roe vs. Wade may be overturned, people have certainly responded as if their idols were under attack. I think it is helpful for Christians to understand that abortion does indeed function as a sort of sacrament in our society. But we are not alone.”

My Slave, My Choice

My Slave, My Choice “Science is not worldview. Science is not philosophy…science is a method used to discover what appears to be true in the natural order, it is not truth itself. Strictly speaking, science concerning abortion would show that a fetus is a baby human.” “Science” was used to justify slavery too.

Friday, May 6, 2022

What We Learn From Our First Mother Eve

What We Learn From Our First Mother Eve – “This Mother’s Day let’s celebrate the biological moms, foster and adoptive moms, and spiritual mothers who are inviting others into the life that comes through a relationship with the God of the universe.”


Hope has to be learned

Hope has to be learned “I’m going to let you in on a secret that I’m only getting to grips with myself, it’s simple, but oddly revolutionary: hope is an action. We learn it.” 

Don’t Waste Your Life Following Your Passion

Don’t Waste Your Life Following Your Passion – “Christians, of all people, should know that we did not create our lives, and that we are not only summoned by life, but we are summoned by the God who is the creator of life. We are wholly dependent beings, not autonomous ones.”

Happiness and Holiness Aren’t Mutually Exclusive

Happiness and Holiness Aren’t Mutually Exclusive – “We will find that every choice to pursue holiness results in more happiness, not less.”

Why Dead Men Must Die

Why Dead Men Must Die – “When we believe in Christ, God counts his death to be our death.”

9 Myths about Abortion Rights and Roe v. Wade

9 Myths about Abortion Rights and Roe v. Wade – “The moral and spiritual dimensions notwithstanding, there are a plenty of reasons to see Roe as a logical, legal, and political debacle.”

Stuck Between the World and God: How I Almost Died in Indecision

Stuck Between the World and God: How I Almost Died in Indecision – “How long, professing Christian, will you too live halfhearted, half-bowed? How much longer will you persist with half-waking commitments to Christ?”

Humans Come in Only Two Sexes

Humans Come in Only Two Sexes – “Up until the last few seconds of human history, it was collectively accepted that sex is binary. People are born either male or female. Not so today.” 

Thursday, May 5, 2022

The Nod and the Pause: Where the War Begins

The Nod and the Pause: Where the War Begins – “Temptation is an opportunist as it passes by. Looking for the slightest nod, it hopes only for our invitation to pause a moment on the porch for our consideration of its merit versus cost and risk.”

The Word of God Is Worth the Work

The Word of God Is Worth the Work – “We read the Bible well by hiking rather than driving — by prayerfully thinking our way to affections rather than bypassing the brain.”


Persistence in Unanswered Prayer

Persistence in Unanswered Prayer – “Faithful Christians often wonder, why isn’t God answering me? Why does it seem like my prayers are hitting the ceiling and bouncing back down to me?”

In Christ, We Have Direct Access to God

In Christ, We Have Direct Access to God – “Faith has no power or value unless its object is perfect. The only faith that brings full assurance to your heart is faith in Jesus.”

Don’t Pray Like a Pagan

Don’t Pray Like a Pagan – “Christians can easily fall into a pattern of praying in a repetitious fashion, without engaging their minds.”

Does John’s Last Supper Chronology Differ from the Other Gospels?

Does John’s Last Supper Chronology Differ from the Other Gospels? – “This misunderstanding can be cleared up quickly when we examine the historical context and other biblical passages both in John and in the other Gospels. It does require some explanation, but sometimes texts require us to dig deeper to really understand what they’re saying.”

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

An Example of the Fear of God

An Example of the Fear of God – “What does it mean to fear God? Here are some examples.”

How Natural Growth Teaches About Spiritual Growth

How Natural Growth Teaches About Spiritual Growth – “Natural growth teaches us that coming into maturity depends not only on the child, but the family as well. And the neighborhood. And the society.”

Older Saints Wanted

Older Saints Wanted – “The older I get, the more I look for the redwoods, not the saplings. Who do I want to be like when I grow up? These older saints. I have a long way to go, but I pray to God for even a little of what they have.”

3 Realities for Christians to Consider if Roe Is Overturned

3 Realities for Christians to Consider if Roe Is Overturned – “there are three realities we should consider if and when such a momentous occasion transpires.”

Worship and the Carnal Mind

Worship and the Carnal Mind – “Can we talk about worship? Especially what the carnal mind does not get about worship.”


The Bruised Reed: A Reader’s Guide to a Christian Classic

The Bruised Reed: A Reader’s Guide to a Christian Classic – “There is more mercy in Christ than sin in us”

Storytime: Family Discipleship’s Secret Weapon

Storytime: Family Discipleship’s Secret Weapon – “The expectation of round-the-clock instruction may seem more doable if we recognize that Deuteronomy 6:7 has more to do with organic conversations than non-stop Scripture memory drills.” 

An Interview with Paul on What’s Wrong with Us

An Interview with Paul on What’s Wrong with Us – Here is a breakdown of Romans 1 that asks a question and allows Paul to answer from Romans 1.

Why Did the Early Christians Switch from Sabbath to the Lord’s Day?

Why Did the Early Christians Switch from Sabbath to the Lord’s Day? “What would compel devout Jews—John, Paul, and the entire early church—to exchange Saturday worship for Sunday worship to celebrate a person, the Lord Jesus?” 

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Want to Be Married for Life?

Want to Be Married for Life? – “This comes from one couple’s (our) perspective who has been married more than 50 years. But we’re going to share here some additional tips from others.”

Twitter Anger and the Righteousness of God

Twitter Anger and the Righteousness of God – “Maybe waking up every morning to see what everyone else on Twitter is upset about and then joining the throng of angry voices is counterproductive to our hunger for righteousness.”

If Roe Is Dead

If Roe Is Dead – “If reports are true, this decision changes everything. And ends nothing. The march for life continues.”

44 Ways to Keep Kids Off Screens

44 Ways to Keep Kids Off Screens – “Most Christian parents I know would like their children to spend less time in front of a screen, and we realize there are better ways to occupy our kids. But wanting something is a lot easier than making it happen!”

Discouragement Can Take You Deeper: Finding Christ in Our Failures

Discouragement Can Take You Deeper: Finding Christ in Our Failures – “Here are four reminders for my fellow saints as we all battle our way together through the discouragements of life, especially as regards our own failures and weaknesses.”

Monday, May 2, 2022

5 Ways to Show Your Kids You’re in Love With Their Mother

5 Ways to Show Your Kids You’re in Love With Their Mother – “One of the greatest gifts a father can give to his children is to love their mother.” 

We Stand for Truth Himself

We Stand for Truth Himself – “We have come to know the higher Truth, the deeper Truth, the personal Truth who gives meaning and value to other truths, and makes some claims true, and others false.”

Should Gospel Disagreements End a Friendship?

Should Gospel Disagreements End a Friendship? – “Let’s step back first for just a moment and get the bigger picture of the way the New Testament deals with those who claim to be Christian and have abandoned things essential to the Christian faith.”

Sunday, May 1, 2022

There Is Nothing Like Being Loved by Jesus

There Is Nothing Like Being Loved by Jesus – “Our failures don’t define us, your righteousness does. Our pain and hurt don’t own us, for we are yours, and you are making us new.”

It Is No More Death, But A Sweet Departure

It Is No More Death, But A Sweet Departure – Here are some beautiful words of encouragement by Thomas Smyth for those who have lost a child or other loved one and struggle with grief.


You Have Put More Joy in My Heart

You Have Put More Joy in My Heart – “This joy isn’t merely for the lighter, more comfortable, more cheerful moments of the Christian life, but it’s also strong enough for the trenches, the valleys, the storms.”

Find Freedom from Your Shame

Find Freedom from Your Shame – “Shame isn’t meant to crush us; it’s meant to open our eyes to the true state of our hearts.”