The Quiet Power of Ordinary Devotions – “Do not think you are getting no good from the Bible, merely because you do not see that good day by day. The greatest effects are by no means those which make the most noise, and are the most easily observed. The greatest effects are often silent, quiet, and hard to detect at the time they are being produced.”
Monday, August 31, 2020
Can We Trust Scientific Experts?
Can We Trust Scientific Experts? – “Given the revisionary conclusions of science, many have simply lost faith in it. Small wonder then that large numbers of North Americans carry skepticism about vaccines, 5G, and other medical and technological advances. So, then, I have to ask again: can we trust science?”
What Governs History?
What Governs History? – The Christian response is to change the question. It is a matter of “WHO”?
Karl Marx vs Charles Spurgeon
Karl Marx vs Charles Spurgeon – Karl Marx, an apostle of evil, and Charles Spurgeon, the “Prince of Preachers,” were evangelists with messages that couldn’t have been more different—and they lived in the same city at the same time.
Alone Against the Mob: Crowds, Cancel Culture, and Courage
Alone Against the Mob: Crowds, Cancel Culture, and Courage – “The clueless majority, not knowing why they were there to begin with, knew enough to shout down someone who sought to speak — for two hours. Here identity politics and cancel culture were on full display.” (Paul in Ephesus)
A Protestant Apocalypse?
A Protestant Apocalypse? – “Hopefully, we will see an end to the COVID chaos within the next six months, even with the possibility of a second wave looming. Yet the second wave is not the only cause for concern. I wonder whether we might see something even more significant: a second ecclesiastical apocalypse.”
Saturday, August 29, 2020
Scars, Cartwheels and God-Given Strength
Scars, Cartwheels and God-Given Strength – “I have always had confidence in my body—not in how it looked, but how it worked … It earned me my living and I kept it in good shape.” This piece on having cancer spoke many of things I have felt since my diagnosis last month.
The Path Between Lukewarm and Worn Out
The Path Between Lukewarm and Worn Out – “Union with Christ is the warm melody between detached cynicism and crushing legalism. We will not survive, much less enjoy, what God calls us to do unless we learn what it means to live in Christ — and to have him live in us.”
God Hears Tears as Well as Prayers
God Hears Tears as Well as Prayers – The last part of Hagar’s story is full of hope for every person who feels emotionally abandoned or spiritually wounded. Hagar discovered that she was deeply loved by God.”
What’s Going on with Ezekiel’s Vision?
What’s Going on with Ezekiel’s Vision? – “Mostly, Israel saw Yahweh’s glory from a distance and from the outside; Moses didn’t record a description of the interior. Ezekiel is different. He gets an up-close, interior view, and he shares it with us.”
Will Some Christians Smell Like Smoke on Judgment Day?
Will Some Christians Smell Like Smoke on Judgment Day? – “Many Christians get nervous whenever the subject of rewards is raised. To speak of praise for specific deeds performed or a life well-lived—or conversely the loss of rewards—strikes them as inconsistent with salvation by grace alone.” Regardless, it is declared in God’s word with clarity.
Craving/Needing a Mighty Work of God’s Spirit
Craving/Needing a Mighty Work of God’s Spirit – “The unrest in our culture, country, and churches intersect as a perfect scenario for a heart-humbling, knee-bowing work of your Spirit. Like a pressure-cooker nearing its capacity, it feels like the USA is nearing an explosive outcome, no matter who wins the 2020 election.”
Friday, August 28, 2020
Sticktoitiveness and the Christian Life
Sticktoitiveness and the Christian Life – “Sticktoitiveness isn’t easy. However, you may be surprised to learn that God says its necessary. The Bible doesn’t use that precise word, but the idea is found all over.”
Nurture Your Children
Nurture Your Children – “A key part of heeding God’s commission to make disciples of all nations is to make disciples of your own children.”
When Speaking About Jesus’ Bride
When Speaking About Jesus’ Bride – “The visible church–in whatever shapes or forms it may take–is the bride of Christ. We must resist the urge to speak critically of her without giving her the requisite love and care that Jesus wants us to give those for whom he has shed his precious blood.”
How Do I Recover from an Unbearable Tragedy?
How Do I Recover from an Unbearable Tragedy? – “Your grief and your loss are not a disease that heals; they are an amputation that produces a lifelong limp.”
The Pros and Cons of Being Rich
The Pros and Cons of Being Rich – “Why do so many want to be rich? It’s partly because we want the respect and influence that wealth gives. God’s view of wealth will save us from the danger of material wealth and help us to seek true spiritual wealth.”
Be Quiet: Cultivating a Gentle Spirit in a World that Loves Noise
Be Quiet: Cultivating a Gentle Spirit in a World that Loves Noise – “If you are feeling pressured by demands to speak, step back from the deafening whirlwind of opinions and consider this: God loves a quiet and gentle spirit. The God who tells us to be still values wise silence.”
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Worship As War
Worship As War – “We want to be gallant, gutsy, and gritty in the Lord’s service. But we need one last boost. We need another supershot of tough tenacity. That’s what Paul gives Timothy and us in these closing verses of 1 Timothy.”
10 Flavors of Works-Based Salvation
10 Flavors of Works-Based Salvation – “The idea of contributing to one’s own salvation is universal. It’s the engine which propels every religion.”
Longing For Home
Longing For Home – “We all want a safe, comforting place to call home...A place where we can have messy hair and makeup-less faces without feeling self-conscious. A place where people who we love and who love us in return are eagerly awaiting us. A place where we can cry and our tears won’t make others feel awkward. A place where the people know our sins and love us still but strive to guide us toward holiness.”
COVID And Culture Shock Feel The Same To Your Brain
COVID And Culture Shock Feel The Same To Your Brain – “When someone moves to a completely new culture, many of the ‘autopilots’ your brain uses for thousands of small decisions every day become ineffective. In a similar way, your current environment has likely changed sufficiently enough that many of your own ‘autopilots’ are no longer working.”
Discourse with Enemies
Discourse with Enemies – Jesus Himself exemplified what it means to “bless those who curse you and pray for those who abuse you.”
Lord, Teach Us to Work: Learning from the Labors of Christ
Lord, Teach Us to Work: Learning from the Labors of Christ – “Our work in this world depends on HIS to be genuinely fruitful and of lasting value.”
Courage Takes More Than a Keyboard
Courage Takes More Than a Keyboard – “Spirit-filled courage looks adversaries in the eye (not just the screen name).”
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
6 Ways We Make Life Harder Than It Needs To Be
6 Ways We Make Life Harder Than It Needs To Be – “Let’s consider some of the ways that forgetting about Forever complicates today.”
Giving Each Other the Gift of Prayer
Giving Each Other the Gift of Prayer – “Samuel felt he would be sinning if failed to continue in prayer for his fellow believers and friends in Israel. That’s pretty big stuff.”
Woke Repentance
Woke Repentance – “When Paul lambasts the Corinthians for their sinful behavior, he seems less concerned with what the world thinks of the congregation than with its status before God.”
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Reading Slowly to See Heaven on Earth
Reading Slowly to See Heaven on Earth – “If you read history you will find that the Christians who did most for the present world were just those who thought most of the next.”
God’s Efficiency
God’s Efficiency – “God’s idea of efficiency may be different from ours, but His efficiency for what He wants to accomplish in our hearts and lives is perfectly and lovingly planned and carried out.”
The Abomination of Lying Lips
The Abomination of Lying Lips – “I don’t know who will read this blog, but for those who are Christians, avoiding dishonesty and the spread of falsehoods has to be a priority in our lives if we are to faithfully follow Jesus Christ. Lying, slander, gossip, deceit, etc. should not and must not exist among us. We are to be people who love the truth and speak the truth.”
The Proverbs 31 Warfare: How Home Unleashes a Woman
The Proverbs 31 Warfare: How Home Unleashes a Woman – “How, then, can modern readers understand her heroism? More than that, how can we join King Lemuel’s mother in holding this woman up for our daughters to emulate and our sons to admire? We can do so in at least three ways.”
Looking for a Gospel Opening? Ask About Their Tattoo.
Looking for a Gospel Opening? Ask About Their Tattoo. – “99 percent of people get a tattoo for a reason. There’s a story behind the artwork.” And that, my Christian friend, is an open door! Why not walk through it?”
Honoring Those We Disagree With
Honoring Those We Disagree With – “Honoring someone means we pray for them, we consider how we speak to them and about them, in public or in private. It means we believe the best about them, and we don’t believe every word of gossip or slander.”
A Solid Piece of Advice for Living on Mission
A Solid Piece of Advice for Living on Mission – “Prayer and intentional hospitality are key to tapping the potential that close geography provides. But after all, we are called to be a people who live prayerfully and intentionally in every area of life for the sake of the gospel.”
Monday, August 24, 2020
Consider The Grasshoppers of The Earth
Consider The Grasshoppers of The Earth – “What undeserved love. What boundless grace. No insect rebelled against God, but I did. Vile, selfish, sinner that I am, lower than the lowest worms of the earth. But God. God Himself intervened.”
Bring Your Distress to Jesus
Bring Your Distress to Jesus – “In the past several months, myriad forces of stress have intruded into the lives of millions of Americans.”
Will the New Creation Look Like This One?
Will the New Creation Look Like This One? – “God will be our light, and we’re not going to be disappointed with that new kind of light.”
Lessons In Becoming a Better Listener
Lessons In Becoming a Better Listener – “It’s easy enough to hear others, but very difficult to truly listen to them. That may be particularly true and particularly important in the context of the local church where we are called to love one another, to care for one another, and to bear one another’s burdens.”
No, Nicaea Didn’t Create the Canon
No, Nicaea Didn’t Create the Canon – “Did the Bible originate from a few elite bishops selecting which books to include? Should we credit a Roman emperor with creating the Bible? No. This falsehood has been used to cast suspicion on the origins of the canon, which undermines the Bible’s authority.”
Discourse with the Foolish
Discourse with the Foolish – “Start answering—according to God’s Word and by God’s Spirit.”
Sunday, August 23, 2020
How Can an Unchanging God Regret Making Saul King?
How Can an Unchanging God Regret Making Saul King? – “How can God express change in relation to man without changing who he is?”
God’s Law in the Gospel Age: How Jesus Sets Us Free
God’s Law in the Gospel Age: How Jesus Sets Us Free – “So, what is the role of the law in the age of the gospel?”
Will Your Life Count When You’re Gone? A Plea for Spiritual Fathers
Will Your Life Count When You’re Gone? A Plea for Spiritual Fathers – “With male discipleship in the church so rare, with much spiritual leadership in the home so distinctively absent, how many men in the church, if they were to die suddenly, would have spiritual children to leave behind?”
What a Day of Rejoicing That Will Be!
What a Day of Rejoicing That Will Be! – “Let’s use Revelation 21:1-8 to look forward with them to new sights, new sounds, and new stories of a new people to alleviate our present pain with future hope.”
Saturday, August 22, 2020
What I Wish for the Lord’s Church
What I Wish for the Lord’s Church – “The Lord wants the best for His Bride. And so does every right-thinking child of His.”
The Answer to Loneliness?
The Answer to Loneliness? – “Loneliness is a serious and growing problem. The stats are pretty heartbreaking...We often think of loneliness as a problem primarily affecting older people, but research published this year suggests that younger men in individualistic societies are the most likely to be lonely.”
Five Ways God’s Anger is Not Like Ours
Five Ways God’s Anger is Not Like Ours – “God’s wrath is the just and measured response of His holiness towards evil.”
What You Should Know About the 2020 Republican Party Platform
What You Should Know About the 2020 Republican Party Platform – “Why should Christians care about a document that few non-politicians will ever read? Because of the influence the two major party platforms have on public policy.”
Before the Throne for You: What It Means for Christ to Intercede
Before the Throne for You: What It Means for Christ to Intercede – “If you are a follower of Jesus, he is interceding for you right now.”
The Image of God and the Wonder of Language
The Image of God and the Wonder of Language – “What is to account for this great mystery of human language? I believe our ability to collectively and unintentionally create thousands of languages must be rooted in our own creation in the image of God.”
The Apostle Paul: Partnership in Evangelism and Mission Part One
The Apostle Paul: Partnership in Evangelism and Mission Part One – “Four Pauline Principles for Mobilizing Believers to Evangelism.”
Friday, August 21, 2020
Don’t Underestimate the Power of Gentleness
Don’t Underestimate the Power of Gentleness – “Gentleness is the Christian’s secret weapon to not just diffuse tension and anger, but also to demonstrate the truthfulness and beauty of the gospel to our culture.”
The Fear of the Lord is Humility
The Fear of the Lord is Humility – “The first step in fearing the Lord is humility. Humility is the currency of God’s kingdom.”
Reading the Whole Bible: A Life-Changing Journey
Reading the Whole Bible: A Life-Changing Journey – “Why read the entire Bible? Because it is the one true overarching story (meta-narrative) that defines the life of a Christian. Authored by God himself, it introduces us to the complexities of his character and grows our wonder and worship of him.”
We’ve Been Here Before
We’ve Been Here Before – “This article points out that in so many ways the COVID-19 pandemic mimics pandemics from the past, and especially the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918-1919.”
3 Ways to Actually Guard Your Heart
3 Ways to Actually Guard Your Heart – “Here are a few things to consider in order to avoid the pain of premature emotional bonding in a relationship that may never translate into marriage.”
Fake News is Fatal News
Fake News is Fatal News – “We must take defensive measures to protect ourselves and our loved ones, and the first step is recognizing the virus of false teaching. If we don’t know what we’re dealing with, and what to look out for, we’re going to be extremely vulnerable.”
Is Angry Prayer Okay?
Is Angry Prayer Okay? – “God is infinitely wise, infinitely good, and infinitely able to carry out his wise and good plans.”
The Place To Begin When Learning About Social Justice
The Place To Begin When Learning About Social Justice – There are plenty of resources but the best beginning places is always the Bible.
Thursday, August 20, 2020
The Lord is Good
The Lord is Good – “Goodness is pre-eminent with respect to God. God is goodness itself. Goodness is not only in him but, astonishingly, what he is.”
Trust God for the Help You Need
Trust God for the Help You Need – “When you ask God for help and trust him to provide, you will experience the peace of his wisdom and blessing.”
12 Reasons You Might Not Feel Like Going to Church
12 Reasons You Might Not Feel Like Going to Church – “If you can discern the reason behind your reluctance, the path forward becomes clearer.”
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
What Benjamin Franklin Said About Eternity
What Benjamin Franklin Said About Eternity – “No matter who you are, how much money you have, where you live, or how old you are, you crave a perfect world. We all struggle in our unique way because our experience in the present is far from paradise.”
What You Should Know About the 2020 Democratic Party Platform
What You Should Know About the 2020 Democratic Party Platform – “Why should Christians care about a document that few non-politicians will ever read? Because of the influence the two major party platforms have on public policy.”
Shedding Our Chameleon Skin
Shedding Our Chameleon Skin – “People are like chameleons. We’re good at hiding.”
When Does Love Insist On Its Way?
When Does Love Insist On Its Way? – “When the glory of God and the truth of the gospel and the joy of believers are at stake, there are times when love must not insist on its own way.”
The 100 Factor of Negativity
The 100 Factor of Negativity – “Every negative word has the power of one hundred positive words.”
Contending Discourse
Contending Discourse – “Jude is urging us to vigorously defend the teaching of the gospel from spiritual forces seeking to derail the church. In Jude, we see three primary tactics in contending for the faith…”
Has our Boldness in Approaching God turned into Brazenness?
Has our Boldness in Approaching God turned into Brazenness? – “In appropriating the confidence that Jesus paid for, has our fear of God diminished into mere casualness?...Have we become entitled about our place in the throne room?”
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Why is the Culture Dark and Decaying?
Why is the Culture Dark and Decaying? – There are several reasons but one thing we can count on – Jesus will be victorious.
A Very Common Clash of Culture
A Very Common Clash of Culture – In our multi-culteral context, we will find plenty of examples of “a classic collision of time-orientation vs. event-orientation, West vs. East.”
Christians: Don’t Date Non-Christians
Christians: Don’t Date Non-Christians – “If you are currently dating, then you should be looking for someone who is your equal, who can be your friend, with whom you can share your deepest commitments. This is why, if you are a Christian, you should never date or marry someone who is not a Christian.”
Monday, August 17, 2020
Something Inside Us Hates the Idea of Grace
Something Inside Us Hates the Idea of Grace – “Grace means God is sufficient, not me.”
Men of God Are Men of His Word
Men of God Are Men of His Word – “The Pharisees were Bible readers, but many were far from the heart of God. Aim to be men of God by giving yourself to his word as sons.”
When God Closes a Door, Does He Open a Window?
When God Closes a Door, Does He Open a Window? – “The world is full of religious clichés, and due to their catchiness and brevity, they possess unique power to weave themselves into our thinking and form our spiritual intuitions. Unwittingly, we begin to view the world and make decisions according to a list of clever platitudes instead of God’s Word.”
When Life Feels Hellish
When Life Feels Hellish – “The ability to accept our fallen world helps us in at least two ways.”
I’m Too Busy to Get Meaningful Work Done!
I’m Too Busy to Get Meaningful Work Done! – “Intellectually, we know we can’t do it all. But we still try. And when we do, we strive to be something God never intended. We reject the boundaries he ordained for our good. So don’t spurn your limits—they remind you that you aren’t God. There is abundant grace, freedom, and comfort in that!”
4 Reasons for Hope in Suffering
4 Reasons for Hope in Suffering – “Even though the Bible doesn’t answer your specific why questions—the kind of questions every sufferer asks—it does unveil why God allows hardship into the lives of his children. There is tremendous comfort in the purpose of God revealed in Scripture. God lovingly clues us into his purpose so that in the middle of our suffering we have reason to hope.”
Five Ways Churches Will Have Changed One Year From Now
Five Ways Churches Will Have Changed One Year From Now – Thom Rainer looks at possible directions for the American church in the next year.
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Waiting for Eternity
Waiting for Eternity – “Let’s not look only for normal, but to eternity—to the city to come (Heb. 13:14) and sink our hope in the God who will always prove faithful.”
Grace in the Garden
Grace in the Garden – “When I survey American evangelicalism, an issue plaguing our public engagement is the implied notion that Christian concerns over what is just and moral are inherently sectarian. In other words, our concerns for the world are only ‘Christian concerns’ and not concerns about the world more broadly.”
Humble Prayer under Humbling Providences
Humble Prayer under Humbling Providences – “The providences connected to COVID-19 are humbling, whatever one’s opinions of the problems and solutions. Perhaps the greatest blessing of the pandemic is being humbled to the point of crying out in prayer to God more persistently.”
Friday, August 14, 2020
Stress and Fear Reveal Our True Trust
Stress and Fear Reveal Our True Trust – “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.” Psalm 20:7
Ten Reasons to Read the Bible Every Day
Ten Reasons to Read the Bible Every Day – “We’re all assigned in some measure to handle the word of God.”
Teach Us to Number Our Days
Teach Us to Number Our Days – “Although life is short and the wrath of God terrifying, the mercy and protection of God for His people are great. God is the home of His people.”
They Don’t Know It, But Most Americans Are Unitarian Universalists
They Don’t Know It, But Most Americans Are Unitarian Universalists – “Most of the people around us embrace the idea of a build-it-yourself spirituality, though they likely don’t realize it. But such beliefs are ultimately hopeless and empty. So may we boldly share the good news about Jesus and the truth, grace, and hope He offers!”
Thursday, August 13, 2020
When the Headlines are Horrifying
When the Headlines are Horrifying – “What do we do when it feels like we’re a headline away from hopeless?”
The Back-to-School Supplies Parents Need
The Back-to-School Supplies Parents Need – “Here are four invitations for families to embrace in uncertainty.”
In Politics, Do Christians Have to Choose Between Compassion and Conviction?
In Politics, Do Christians Have to Choose Between Compassion and Conviction? – “Do you advocate social justice or family values? Do you support women or are you against abortion? Do you love the poor or do you believe in personal responsibility?”
Lord, Heal Our Dry Eyes: Why We Defy Evil with Tears
Lord, Heal Our Dry Eyes: Why We Defy Evil with Tears – “I realized that I do not weep as Paul did over those who reject Jesus. I am not as brokenhearted over those who oppose me. My tears and my lack of tears are telling: I tend not to love others like Paul loved, and tend not to be as humble as he was.”
Trusting God When Your Pain Seems Pointless
Trusting God When Your Pain Seems Pointless – “We hear quite a bit about trusting God with our future, with what lies ahead. But I’m learning to trust God with the past.”
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Singing the Song of Heaven Together
Singing the Song of Heaven Together – “Let’s consider these truths about the song, the singers, and the heavenly audience.”
Is God Absent When He is Silent?
Is God Absent When He is Silent? – “He is no less present when I am acutely aware He is in front, behind and at each side as when it feels He is in a game of hide-and-seek. His silence never means He is absent.”
The Gospel Lens
The Gospel Lens – “God knew that was exactly what I needed during that time. My gospel lens needed to be adjusted.”
God Comforts the Downcast
God Comforts the Downcast – “Though you’re quite capable of sending ravens and rainbows, you’re preferred method is to send us to each other—as conduits of your grace, kindness, and burden-bearing love.”
Your Job Well Done: Why Good Work Matters to God
Your Job Well Done: Why Good Work Matters to God – “To please our Lord with our work, we recognize that our view of work begins with God himself. We work because God works.”
How Does Christ Change How I Work?
How Does Christ Change How I Work? – “The whole New Testament assumes and commends the dignity of work.”
My New Financial Concept
My New Financial Concept – “Every time you put your hand on your wallet, remember to focus your eyes on eternity, celebrate its comfort, and surrender your funds to its call.”
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Causing Little Ones to Stumble
Causing Little Ones to Stumble – “Perhaps one reason so many children of believers are no longer following Christ is that they are simply following in our footsteps.”
Fear Your Fear of Man
Fear Your Fear of Man – “The fear of man proudly proof-texts its weakness for people-pleasing.”
“Your Will Be Done”: Powerful Not Pathetic
“Your Will Be Done”: Powerful Not Pathetic – “Given Jesus’ preaching and practice, it is not only right and proper that we should do this, but a relief that we can. It is far better to have God’s will than ours. Just imagine if God actually did whatever we asked?”
The War of Words
The War of Words – “Every time I pick up my phone to look at my timeline, I am bombarded with foreboding war-time pronouncements. The battle lines are drawn, and the soldiers picked their weapons. Words are the weapons for this war, and the battle is fierce.”
Manners for Social Media in Polarized Times
Manners for Social Media in Polarized Times – “Christian friends, we must be careful to watch our heart and our words. Have we adopted the spirit of the age?...Is all our careless ranting displaying the glory and beauty of Christ? Surely it is time to change.”
Monday, August 10, 2020
Stand in the Day of Trouble
Stand in the Day of Trouble – “How shall we live in a world that is becoming irrational and instinctual literally day by day? How shall we live in a culture that has decided to call good evil and evil good? How shall we live in a world that cannot recognize the wisdom of God in the gospel? The answer is as simple as it is straightforward. We must stand.”
How 2020 Is Taking A Toll on Your Soul
How 2020 Is Taking A Toll on Your Soul – “Technology that makes the internet and social media possible might move us forward in some ways, but we pay for it in other ways. We experience a faux omnipresence and faux omniscience, causing us to carry all the hurts of the world.”
Survey: Majority of American Christians Don’t Believe the Gospel
Survey: Majority of American Christians Don’t Believe the Gospel – A new survey finds that a majority of people who describe themselves as Christian accept a “works-oriented” means to God’s acceptance.
The Most Important Lesson Parents Teach
The Most Important Lesson Parents Teach – “We’re searching for purpose and something called success, but many days, we lose sight of our main goal as Christian parents: we want our children to know Jesus.”
Fiery Foundation
Fiery Foundation – Sharon Sampson shares some lessons she’s learned from rock formations, and what these teach us about God and the work he does in our lives.
Five Types of Church Members Who Will Not Return after the Quarantine
Five Types of Church Members Who Will Not Return after the Quarantine – “Here are the five most common dropout groups. The groups are not mutually exclusive; there could be significant overlap.”
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Our Times Are in His Hands
Our Times Are in His Hands – These difficult
times are not outside the hand of God.
How to Pray When You’re Feeling Depressed
How to Pray When You’re Feeling Depressed – “Let
me give you five phrases to guide you in the what of prayer.”
Time Alone for God: The Ageless Habits of Jesus Christ
Time Alone for God: The Ageless Habits of Jesus Christ
– “For two thousand years, the teachings of Christ have called his people into
rhythms of retreating from the world and entering into it.”
Make Your School Decision. Then Trust God.
Make Your
School Decision. Then Trust God. – “In the end, make your decision
trusting that God will faithfully care for your family. He loves to do it.”
Have Your Political Views Become An Idol?
Your Political Views Become An Idol? – “As followers of
Christ who are engaging in this process, are we starting to cross a line that
shouldn’t be crossed?”
How 2020 Is Taking a Toll on Your Soul
How 2020 Is Taking a Toll on Your Soul –
“Could it be that God didn’t wire us to carry every event, taking place in
every part of the world, at every moment, as if it were ours?”
A Surprising Command for Suffering Saints
A Surprising Command for Suffering Saints – “God
is working in you through trials, and count your trials as opportunities for
9 Things You Should Know About Death and Dying
9 Things
You Should Know About Death and Dying – “Here are nine things you
should know about death and dying in the United States.”