Ezekiel Elliott, Martin Luther, and Your Soul
– “On October 31, 1517, an unknown monk in a small
village nailed a document to the door of the town church.” The end of this
article has a detailed retelling of a great church history story.
Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Leverage Halloween to Love Your Neighbors
Leverage Halloween to Love Your Neighbors
– “Halloween
gives Christians a unique opportunity to welcome our neighbors.”
Here He Stood: Martin Luther (1483–1546)
Here He
Stood: Martin Luther (1483–1546) – “One of the great
rediscoveries of the Reformation — especially of Martin Luther — was that the
word of God comes to us in the form of a book, the Bible. Luther grasped this
powerful fact: God preserves the experience of salvation and holiness from
generation to generation by means of a book of revelation.”
Why Me, Cruel World?
Why Me,
Cruel World? – “I can’t tell you how many times I have
heard someone who is in deliberate sin say, ‘I just don’t know why God is doing
this to me.’”
Three Reasons You Should Go Trick or Treating
Three Reasons You Should Go Trick or
Treating – “Halloween can be a time to be on mission and build
relationships that will deepen throughout the year.”
Monday, October 30, 2017
Don’t Waste the Darkness: Three Truths Halloween Teaches Us
Don’t Waste the Darkness: Three Truths Halloween Teaches
Us – “If the gospel is true, then there really can be a
happy Halloween.”
The Will of God Never Misfires
The Will of God Never Misfires –
“The resurrection means God’s will never misfires, even when it feels like it
might be doing so. Look, then, and behold the sign—the Son of Man who has come
to take away the sting of death and the sins of the world.”
4 Ways to Spot a Bitter Root
4 Ways to Spot a
Bitter Root – “It's no
accident that God uses the image of a weed to describe a particular sin that
has a way of creeping into all of our hearts . . . bitterness.”
No Book is More Astonishing
No Book is More
Astonishing – “There are many books on my shelf,
and far too many have been neglected. But there is one book, out of all of
them, that I fear neglecting: My Bible.”
Why Should I Go to Church?
Why Should I Go to Church? – “There are a million good things you
and I could do that would hinder us from locking arms with God’s people.”
God’s Alarm
God’s Alarm – “This may happen under the preaching
of the gospel, or a simple few words from a faithful witness, or from reading
the bible, or one of many other means that God uses as His alarm. The person is
dramatically awakened from his or her spiritual death.”
Sunday, October 29, 2017
A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
A Mighty
Fortress Is Our God – Martin Luther wrote some forty
songs during the Protestant Reformation. The most famous of those was “A Mighty
Fortress Is Our God”. Our English version was translated from the original
German over 300 years later. The original had a stronger message. Here’s a
Saturday, October 28, 2017
You Can Loosen Your Grip on the Future
You Can Loosen Your
Grip on the Future –
group of women recently gathered in my living room for a Bible study on the
Lord’s Prayer. The words ‘Your will be done’ sat on our tongues like cough
syrup that wouldn’t budge (Matthew 6:10). We had numerous objections.”
Fixing Irritations That Come Between Us in Marriage
Fixing Irritations That Come Between Us in
Marriage – “Isn’t it
usually the day-to-day, wash-the-toothpaste-down-the-sink,
close-the-toilet-seat kind of irritations about living with someone that can
drive us crazy? It’s funny, but you can love someone deeply and still become
easily bothered by the simple act of sharing space with them.”
3 Things Every Christian Should Know About the Reformation
3 Things Every Christian Should Know About the Reformation –
There is a lot being written regarding the 500th anniversary of the
Protestant Reformation. Here are some simple thoughts.
Are Pro-Lifers Being Inconsistent if They Save the Mother’s Life Rather than the Baby’s?
Are Pro-Lifers Being
Inconsistent if They Save the Mother’s Life Rather than the Baby’s? – “What response should one give to
pro-choice advocates who claim pro-lifers don’t really believe the unborn has
equal value to the born because we’re willing to sacrifice the unborn if the
mother’s life is in danger?”
Friday, October 27, 2017
Where Is God When Times Are Tough?
Where Is God When Times Are Tough? –
“All of us know that we will encounter difficulties along the
way, and believe that we are ready for it, but recent experience has shown me
that expectation is not necessarily enough to prepare ourselves for stormy
10 Bible Verses to Strengthen You As You Wait
10 Bible Verses to Strengthen You As You Wait –
“The waiting game is the least fun game to play.”
Formed with the Flick of His Finger
Formed with the Flick of His Finger
– “If you’re going to be amazed at
cinematography, look around or get a telescope.”
Love People More Than Your Country
Love People
More Than Your Country – “Our duty with the Gospel lifts us
beyond nationalism and patriotism. Not better than, but more complete. We
should see every person as a soul created by a loving God who can heal the
brokenness inside, no matter what that is. The Gospel teaches us to love all
nations equally because God sent His Son to be the Savior of the world, and to
rescue a people for himself from every corner of the globe.”
Thursday, October 26, 2017
The Great Divide (in the Church) in 2016, and Why It Still Matters – “It is one thing to differ and debate cultural issues, and even values, but it is another to judge a person’s standing with God based on which candidate he or she supported.”
The Great Divide (in the Church) in 2016,
and Why It Still Matters – “It is one thing to differ and debate
cultural issues, and even values, but it is another to judge a person’s
standing with God based on which candidate he or she supported.” – “It is one thing to differ and debate
cultural issues, and even values, but it is another to judge a person’s
standing with God based on which candidate he or she supported.”
The Stupidity of Sin
The Stupidity of Sin – “Everyone who knows the Bible, knows people, or
knows his own heart, knows this to be true: sin makes us stupid.”
How God Performs Surgery on Our Hearts
How God Performs
Surgery on Our Hearts
– “Here we learn of the power of Scripture to perform surgery where true change
begins — in the invisible, immaterial heart.”
Benefits of Singing Psalms
Benefits of Singing
Psalms – There are a lot of ways to worship in
song. Singing Psalms is one way and there are some special benefits that go with
The Attractional Church’s Trojan Rabbit
The Attractional
Church’s Trojan Rabbit – This
is the reason why churches have to engage in reaching beyond their walls with the
Jesus Died for More Than Your Decision
Jesus Died for More Than Your Decision
– “If all you have is a decision for Christ and no
delight in Christ, you don’t have Christ.”
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Research Reveals the 5 Biggest Influencers on Your Child’s Spiritual Health
Research Reveals the 5 Biggest Influencers on Your Child’s
Spiritual Health – “The study analyzed
2,000 Protestant adults who finished their parenting journey with one or more
kids now between 18-30. The study looked at faith characteristics of those kids
now, all grown up, and looked at the parenting practices and habits of the children
as they were growing up… I am going to briefly offer the top five. If you care
for your kid’s spiritual journey, this research is gold:”
Here’s What Christians Should Be Busy Protesting
Here’s What
Christians Should Be Busy Protesting – “Needless
to say, protesting these five things won’t get local news coverage or an
article in the New York Times. But, regardless of whatever else we might
protest, we cannot fail to protest these five things lest we lose the heart and
soul of the Christian faith.”
Scripture Is Our Personal Trainer
Scripture Is Our Personal Trainer –
The usefulness of the Scriptures is demonstrated by four of its life-training
functions: “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching,
for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of
God may be complete, equipped for every good work” (2 Tim. 3:16–17).
The American Priest Who Proved the Reformation is Not Over
The American Priest Who
Proved the Reformation is Not Over – As we remember the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant
Reformation: “As we stood there, we grieved in watching people,
one by one, begin their ascension up the steps, praying to Mary to honor the
promise that the Pope and Cardinals gave–that they who go up the steps will
receive pardon for sin.”
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
25 Bible Reading Tips
25 Bible Reading Tips –
If you need help getting started or just want to add a fresh experience, here
are some suggestions.
Here’s What They Grabbed
Here’s What They
Grabbed – “Fire evacuees
had minutes, or seconds, to save memories. There are all kinds of things to
consider in this brief story.
10 Qualities of Scripture Which Testify of its Ability to Transform Us from the Inside Out
10 Qualities of
Scripture Which Testify of its Ability to Transform Us from the Inside Out – Here are several lessons to be learned about the
value of God’s word from Psalm 19.
Five Parenting Myths I Used to Believe
Five Parenting Myths I Used to Believe – “The few hours between arriving home
from work and putting the kids to bed will be the most challenging, and often
the most rewarding, of my day. Raising children frequently brings me face to
face with my own ignorance, foolishness, and inadequacies. My children
presented me with problems I never anticipated, disobey in ways I never
imagined, and bless me in ways I only dared to dream.”
10 Things You Should Know about the 144,000 in the Book of Revelation
10 Things You Should
Know about the 144,000 in the Book of Revelation – “Will the debate ever end about the identity of
the 144,000 servants in Revelation 7? Perhaps not, but I hope these ten truths
will contribute something to our understanding of who they are and what they
Harvey Weinstein and the Crisis of Masculinity
Harvey Weinstein and the Crisis of
Masculinity – “This
crisis of masculinity is an old tale — an old tragedy — since time immemorial.
It plagues the left and the right. And all of us
men would be hopelessly caught in this sin, had it not been for another King,
one greater than David, who could meet a vulnerable woman at a remote well, not
to take advantage of her, but to give her eternal joy.”
Monday, October 23, 2017
His Mercy Is More
His Mercy Is More –
Here’s a new song that blessed me this morning.
The 7 Deadly Sins of Political Junkies
The 7 Deadly Sins of Political Junkies –
Bruce Ashford writes on the ways "we are tempted to commit those sins in
our political interactions." He also provides biblical ways we can
overcome temptation.
The Wounds of a Friend
The Wounds of a
Friend – “Proverbs
says, Faithful are the wounds of a friend. Sometimes, we need friends who will
be that surgeon. Not just someone to hold our hand or whisper soothing words,
but someone who will confront the tumor and battle with us to destroy it.”
Here’s How To Save Your Family From Technology Creep
Here’s How To Save
Your Family From Technology Creep – “I consulted some parents, asking for their advice and input on setting
aside family time and pushing away devices. Here’s what some of them said.”
Children Of My Own
Children Of My Own – “When we stand before
the judgment seat of God, it won’t be our DNA that gets us into heaven, but the
blood of another. The question isn’t one of heredity, but of authority.” This is
a good word on adoption.
Friendship is Not a Two-Way Street
Friendship is Not a
Two-Way Street – “Maybe
the friendship has run its course. Not all friendships are forever, and
friendships wane in intensity. But I urge you to not give up too quickly. What
if Jesus decided he was going to stop pursuing us because he wasn’t getting
anything out of the relationship?”
The Spirit Always Works through the Word
The Spirit Always
Works through the Word
– “It’s
important that we wrestle with what’s going on in our culture, the shifts in
beliefs and behaviors especially. But if anyone is going to make a convincing
argument on why Christians need to change their views on a number of key
controversial issues, it’s not going to be pitting the Spirit against Scripture.”
Sunday, October 22, 2017
Meal Above All Meals: Five Reasons We Enjoy Eating with Jesus
Meal Above
All Meals: Five Reasons We Enjoy Eating with Jesus –
This morning we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper. Here are some good reminders.
Saturday, October 21, 2017
8 Signs Your Christianity Is Too Comfortable
8 Signs Your Christianity Is Too Comfortable –
C. S. Lewis once said, “I didn’t go to religion to make me happy. I always knew
a bottle of Port would do that. If you want a religion to make you feel really
comfortable, I certainly don’t recommend Christianity.”
Why the Local Church Really Matters
Why the Local Church
Really Matters – “As
we prepare to worship God tomorrow, it may do us good to pause for just a few
moments to consider the local church. What is the church? Why has God called us
into these little communities? Does the local church really matter?”
The Red Sea in Front of Me: Reaching for God in Despair
The Red
Sea in Front of Me: Reaching for God in Despair –
“So how do we respond when we see no way out, no hope this side of heaven? We
need to see, stand, and trust.”
How To Talk To Your Kids About Human Dignity
How To Talk To Your
Kids About Human Dignity – “As Christian parents,
it is important we teach our kids the truth about who they are, who God is, and
about their place in the mission of God. One important piece of this role is to
teach and talk to our kids about what it means to be human and to see the
humanity of others.”
4 Myths that Keep College Students from Joining a Church
4 Myths that Keep
College Students from Joining a Church –
I found these to be true during my years in college ministry and they are even
more true today. They keep students for growth and from connecting with a
church as adults.
Friday, October 20, 2017
Fishers of Men
Fishers of Men – “My experience has shown me that the
words are familiar to the church, but the actual work perhaps
not so much. How might we better understand the words so the work can be more
accessible to us?”
At Least as Dangerous as Porn
At Least as Dangerous
as Porn – “Not
to diminish the dangers of sexual sin (1 Corinthians 6:9–11), but have you ever
noticed that the New Testament issues more dire warnings against the spiritual
dangers of material prosperity than sexual immorality? Jesus didn’t say it’s
harder for a sexually immoral person to get into heaven than a camel to squeeze
through a needle’s eye. He said it about rich people. And most people who read
this live in one of the richest nations in the history of the world.”
American Daily Routine
American Daily Routine –
This was an interesting visual. How are you using your days?
God’s Revealed Truth Is Something We Discover, Not Invent
God’s Revealed
Truth Is Something We Discover, Not Invent –
“He reveals it to us in His word.”
Who Should Teach Your Kids—Harvey or Hildebrand?
Who Should Teach Your
Kids—Harvey or Hildebrand?
– “As
the Harvey Weinstein scandal rumbles on, it is clear that no amount of money
donated to liberal causes will purchase him a ‘get out of jail free’ card. Even
in an amoral age such as ours, sexual assault can prove an unforgivable sin.”
Thursday, October 19, 2017
3 Questions To Ask As Soon As Your Work-Life Balance Starts Slipping
3 Questions To Ask As Soon As Your
Work-Life Balance Starts Slipping – “Sometimes it’s because you have more work to do. But other times it’s
because your habits and preferences have come into conflict without you
realizing it.”
Four Suggestions for Reading the Minor Prophets
Four Suggestions for Reading the Minor
Prophets – The Minor Prophets can be difficult
reading as you read through the Bible. Here are some suggestions for making the
most of that journey.
Pride Will Kill Me
Pride Will Kill Me – “Pride refuses to recognize God as the supreme
provider and treasure. Pride is trusting in lesser treasure to provide greater
pleasure. I see it in Adam. I see it in Israel. I see it in the church. I see
it in me.”
Sola Scriptura Demands Inerrancy
Sola Scriptura Demands Inerrancy –
“So what is sola scriptura? It means that only the Bible—because it
is God’s inspired Word—is our inerrant, sufficient, and final authority. This
definition entails three implications related to authority.”
4 Truths You Must Believe About God’s Righteousness
4 Truths You
Must Believe About God’s Righteousness – This is a helpful doctrinal journey through a key
biblical teaching taken from Romans 3:21-26.
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
The Light at the End of Ourselves
The Light at the
End of Ourselves – “I’m
weary—body, mind, and soul. Weary of waiting, weary of fighting for joy, weary
of hoping for better days. If I’m honest, a sense of despair has increasingly
clouded my view of life and left me wondering if the darkness will ever lift.”
How to Translate John 3:16 “Literally” (Video)
How to Translate John
3:16 “Literally” (Video)
– This is a good explanation of why it’s just not that
helpful to speak of “literal” Bible translations.
Joy at the Table
Joy at the Table – As we prepare to celebrate the Lord’s Supper
together on Sunday, here are some good reminders of its message.
4 Practical Reasons to Read the Bible with Our Kids
4 Practical
Reasons to Read the Bible with Our Kids – There are a lot of benefits flowing from this
simple family activity.
Glory Thief
Glory Thief – “But quietly. Inwardly. Stealthily. I
crave glory. It has many names: recognition, fame, influence, usefulness, and
faithfulness. Almost any positive regard will do as camouflage for a glory
thief. The more respectable the term, the better it cloaks from men what God
sees perfectly.”
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Sola Scriptura: A Scripture-Alone Life
Sola Scriptura: A
Scripture-Alone Life – This
quote alone makes the post worthwhile. “Scripture over us—authority. Under
us—promises. In us—Bible intake. Through us—obedience and guidance. Sola
Scriptura. Let’s be doctrinally right but let’s make sure right doctrine leads
to right living.”
My Struggle to Smash the Food Idol
My Struggle to
Smash the Food Idol –
“Even if every meal plan, diet, or ‘lifestyle modification’ you’ve ever
attempted has failed you, Jesus won’t.”
The Spread of the Gospel
The Spread of the
Gospel – This short
video illustrated the spread of the Gospel.
6 Truths About Weak Faith And Little Prayers
6 Truths About
Weak Faith And Little Prayers
– Paul Tripp reflects on faith and prayer from Acts 12.
How Should We Approach Debt?
How Should We Approach Debt? – “One hundred years ago, debt was regarded as an
earned privilege for the few. Now it’s seen as an inalienable right for all.
Borrowing has become an integral part of our lives.”
Is It Really God Speaking to You?
Is It Really God
Speaking to You? – “‘I’ve
prayed about this and I really feel like God told me that it would be okay.’
Those were the words that I heard when a young lady informed me that she was
leaving her husband in order to live with another dude. She was happier with
the other guy. She knew that God didn’t want her to be unhappy and so as she
prayed that voice in her head confirmed that she had permission from the
Monday, October 16, 2017
Selfies at Niagara
Selfies at Niagara – There are several good
applications for this brief devotional thought.
5 Things Not to Do in Your Marriage
5 Things Not to Do in
Your Marriage – “Even though earthly romance will
always be imperfect, God transforms us with abundant grace and gospel hope as
we live life alongside our spouse. As we navigate the joys and the struggles of
the marriage relationship, here are five things not to do…”
6 Things Christ Does With Your Sin
6 Things
Christ Does With Your Sin – It is good to remember
what the cross accomplishes.
Sola Fide—A Doctrine To Be Beaten Into Your Head Continually
Sola Fide—A Doctrine To Be Beaten Into Your Head Continually –
“Do not give into the subtle temptation to embrace justification by faith
alone, yet try and do life and ministry in the flesh alone.”
Fighting Sin With Love
Fighting Sin With Love – Love of God and love of our neighbor
are the means by which we can overcome sin. Trillia Newbell shares a reflection
on 1 Corinthians 13 on combating sin with love.
Grace for Holiness
Grace for Holiness – “Grace propels
us toward holiness. It does not lessen its pursuit.”
Is It Wrong to Try to Persuade Others to Change Their Beliefs?
Is It Wrong to Try to Persuade Others to Change Their
Beliefs? – “There are at least seven reasons why
seeking to change a friend’s mind is not only justified, but a vital tenet of
life together in a pluralistic society.”
Saturday, October 14, 2017
How to Train Your Dragons: Killing Pet Sins Before They Kill You
How to Train Your Dragons: Killing Pet Sins Before They
Kill You – “Sin is not a pet to be walked several
times a week. It is a lion, a wolf, a bear. It bites and hunts at will. It
attacks as a piranha. It is a restless evil lit ablaze by the fires of hell.”
4 Lessons for Christians from the Harvey Weinstein Scandal
4 Lessons for
Christians from the Harvey Weinstein Scandal – “It’s tempting to mock the movie industry for
such blatant hypocrisy. They frequently preach to us about their
superior values; meanwhile, they were overlooking abuse in their
midst. But instead of gloating we should consider what we as Christians
might learn from the horrific, decades-long cover-up.”
The Road to Hollywood
The Road to Hollywood –
Nathan Eshelman makes the observation, “The church and the culture at large
need to reconsider whether Hollywood ought to be telling us how to think and
feel about sexual ethics. Have they earned the right to speak into our lives
about what is right and wrong in the bedroom? Maybe there’s a better source for
determining human sexuality than those who walk the red carpet.”
We Are Equally Sinful. We Are Not All Equally Broken or Toxic
We Are Equally
Sinful. We Are Not All Equally Broken or Toxic. – “Let me begin with the first sentence
of the title: ‘We are all equally sinful.’ Whatever distinctions we make later
in this post in no way imply that anyone needs Jesus-on-steroids or a double
dose of atonement.”
Friday, October 13, 2017
Jesus Was A Disciple Maker, What About You?
Jesus Was
A Disciple Maker, What About You? – “The Bible makes no
real distinction between a Christian and a disciple-maker. Even though much of
our population still claims to be Christian, disciple-makers are rare. Modern
Christianity has indoctrinated many to see disciple-making as an option rather
than the way that Jesus taught us.”
Something Better Than the Land
Something Better Than
the Land – “Esau
got his land right then, Jacob never got it in his lifetime. At first glance,
it can seem like Esau is the favored one, the blessed one. It looks like he
wins. He isn’t sent into slavery. He doesn’t wander in the desert. He doesn’t
face enemies on every side (as far as we know). He gets the land immediately.
He gets his best life now.”
Be a Boaz in Your Business
Be a Boaz in Your Business –
“If you’re a man blessed with authority and influence in the workplace, use it
to protect and empower women. As you do so, you follow in the footsteps of not
just Boaz, but Boaz’s greatest son, Jesus Christ.”
7 Lies Culture Tells Us About Love and Romance
7 Lies Culture Tells Us About Love and Romance –
“Regardless of your position in life’s journey—married, dating, single,
whatever—tuning out the cultural lies about love, romance and sex is essential
to experiencing healthy relationships and, in particular, healthy marriages.”
How to Teach Kids to Understand the Bible
How to Teach Kids to Understand the Bible –
“When we hand our kids a Bible, there are two foundational truths to give them
along with it.”
You Were Created for More than Motherhood
You Were Created for
More than Motherhood
– “What
we call motherhood–training and raising and caring for children–is fleeting,
just like everything else. It doesn’t last forever, this phase of life.
Children grow and they change and you grow and you change, and then they begin
a new life out in this great big world.”
Thursday, October 12, 2017
Our Three Neighborhoods
Our Three
Neighborhoods – “We
all need a nudge to help us identify who our priorities are. God is not silent
or subtle on who deserves our time and attention first.”
Before Time Began, Jesus Was
Before Time Began, Jesus Was
– “Jesus
was there not only before matter; he was there before time. He did not come
into being; he just was.”
Should a Couple Be Financially Stable before Getting Married?
Should a Couple Be
Financially Stable before Getting Married? – “The Bible makes a distinction
between what is required and what is desired for
a Christian considering marriage. Of course, it is desirable for a couple to be
financially stable before they marry, but is financial stability a biblical
How (Other) People Change: Walking with Loved Ones Through Five Stages
How (Other)
People Change: Walking with Loved Ones Through Five Stages –
“Parents, friends, and church family often find themselves in this precarious
position. Someone we know and love is in sin’s grip. We agonize over whether
the help we might offer will help them find freedom, or just drive them further
Welcome Everyone, Affirm No One
Welcome Everyone, Affirm No One –
“The trouble is, grace is unimaginable in a world where everyone believes grace
is deserved. And when grace is transformed into entitlement, the definitions
change, for both those inside and outside the church.”
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Craving God’s Peace in a Season of Storms and Stormy Attitudes
Craving God’s Peace in a Season of Storms and Stormy
Attitudes – “When did meaningful dialogue get
supplanted with grenade-throwing diatribe? It feels like a partisan dance
between angry sharks and ravenous piranha. All the vitriol, rancor, and
contempt are wearing us down and out.”
He Remains Faithful
He Remains
Faithful – “Who doesn’t desire to be faithful in
their ministry to the local church, at their job and to their friends? We all
do, at least to some degree. But the point of the Christian life is not to live
perfectly. It’s to lean completely on our perfect Savior who in every way
remains faithful.”
God Wounds Us Because He Loves Us
God Wounds Us Because He Loves Us – “Often the love we need most is the love we want
least. The love feels so harsh, so blunt, so unpleasant in the moment that we
often don’t even recognize it as love.”
5 Ways To Pray For Persecuted Saints
5 Ways To Pray For
Persecuted Saints
– Mark Altrogge provides some pointers on praying for the persecuted church.
8 Questions to Help You Understand and Apply the Bible
8 Questions to Help You Understand and Apply the Bible –
One way to study the Bible is to read a passage and then ask questions. The
answers form clear applications of your reading.
Ten Brief Lessons on the Ten Commandments
Ten Brief Lessons on the Ten Commandments –
“Many Christians tend to have an uneasy relationship with God’s law. Often,
wrong perceptions interfere with a clear understanding about the Ten
Commandments. To help, here are ten brief lessons regarding the Decalogue.”
How to Resolve Most Relational Conflict
How to Resolve Most
Relational Conflict – “Pride
is the enemy inside us that speaks to us like a friend. Its counsel sounds so
much like self-protection, preservation, and promotion that we’re often blinded
to the fact that it’s destroying us and others.”
Do Christians Have to Care About Everything?
Do Christians Have to
Care About Everything?
– “Why
don’t you care? In our age of perpetual outrage, that may be one of
the most commonly asked questions. After all, the list of needs and worthy
causes are unending. Should we not be expected to voice impassioned concern for
every problem and enthusiastic support for every good cause?”
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
The Real Turning Point in the Prodigal Son Story
The Real Turning Point in the Prodigal Son Story –
The turning point is not the pigpen, it’s the Father’s embrace.
How to Resolve Most Relational Conflict
How to
Resolve Most Relational Conflict – “Few things sap more of
our joy, are as emotionally demanding and mentally distracting, as relational
conflict. And few things wreak as much havoc and destruction on lives as
relational conflict. And so much of it is avoidable.”
A Three-Step Strategy for Fighting Sin – Here is a three-step strategy for fighting sin and prevailing over it in your Christian life.
A Three-Step Strategy
for Fighting Sin – Here
is a three-step strategy for fighting sin and prevailing over it in your
Christian life.
Do You Wake Up Discontent?
Do You
Wake Up Discontent? – “Is it possible to be content in
all things?”
Are We Failing to Teach Our Kids Civics?
Are We Failing to Teach Our Kids Civics? –
“Freedom of religion and freedom of speech have fallen on hard times among
American young people. In fact, some polls indicate that teenagers are
increasingly likely to approve of the use of force when freedom of speech
causes trouble.”
Three Questions To Improve Your Self-Awareness
Three Questions To Improve Your Self-Awareness –
While written for church leaders, this has good applications for us all.
Monday, October 9, 2017
10 Reasons You Can Have Hope For The Future
10 Reasons You Can Have Hope For The Future – When
things that we don't understand happen around us, it can be easy to lose heart.
Mark Altrogge writes about 10 truths that we can hold on to when we feel
Hypocrisy on Display in Hollywood and in Politics
Hypocrisy on Display in Hollywood and in
Politics: Responding with Anger and Humility – Integrity is the opposite of hypocrisy.
Teaching Our Children to Treasure Jesus Starts with Us
Teaching Our Children to Treasure Jesus Starts with Us –
“How about your heart? Have you been failing to treasure Jesus, even as you
teach your children about Him?”
Why the End of Marriage in Eternity in Good News
Why the End of Marriage in Eternity in Good
News – “The age to come is not only an
improvement over the worst of this world, but over the best.
I say this for three reasons...”
Clinging to the Crutch
Clinging to the
Crutch – “Some
people say, derisively, that Christianity is a crutch. And to that I
say Amen. Glory Hallelujah. Give me that crutch.
Because I am crippled. More like paralyzed, actually.”
Sanctification — Belonging, not Behaving
Sanctification — Belonging,
not Behaving – “Sanctification
is much bigger than simply becoming more like Jesus. As glorious as that is,
sanctification is God’s planned cosmic restoration happening before our very
8 Reasons to Love Sound Doctrine
8 Reasons
to Love Sound Doctrine – “Here are a few reasons we should
love sound doctrine.”
God is Not Ashamed of You
God is Not Ashamed of
You – “You
see, God’s not disgusted with you. He doesn’t wince when you pray. He doesn’t
blush when you admit to someone who asks if you believe in him. He’s unashamed
of you. He loves you. He’s loved you before he created the world.”
Saturday, October 7, 2017
Do You Look Like Your Father?
Do You
Look Like Your Father? – “All of us are meant to bear the
glorious family resemblance.”
Why God? Why is This Happening?
God? Why is This Happening?
– “Everywhere you turn you are hearing of different tragedies happening all
around us. There are hurricanes, earthquakes, flooding, fires, wars, rumor of
wars, shootings, suicides...”
Why the Department of Justice’s Religious Liberty Guidance Matters – “It has been a great week for religious freedom – the protection for the conscience rights of every American of every faith and the free exercise thereof.”
Why the Department of
Justice’s Religious Liberty Guidance Matters – “It has been a great week for
religious freedom – the protection for the conscience rights of every American
of every faith and the free exercise thereof.”
Hypocrisy on Display in Hollywood and in Politics
Hypocrisy on Display in Hollywood and in
Politics: Responding with Anger and Humility – Integrity is the opposite of hypocrisy.
Justice and Mercy No Matter the Cost
Justice and Mercy No Matter the Cost –
“This issue of human beings hating other humans who aren’t like them is so
endemic to our nature nothing should be clearer but that the church doesn’t buy
that. The church hopes in Jesus. We find our identity in Jesus and whatever
color or ethnicity we are, we are in Jesus — one hope, one church.”
The Fearless Pacifist: Menno Simons (1496–1561)
The Fearless
Pacifist: Menno Simons (1496–1561) – This is one of my
favorite church history personalities. If you are familiar with the
contemporary Mennonites, you may be surprised to learn that the group’s founder
started as a Catholic priest who had never read the Bible.
Friday, October 6, 2017
The Holiness of Small Things
The Holiness of Small Things –
“In the midst of these phases of life, do we humbly seek the small things of
holiness? Or are our hearts longing only for the days when we’re authoring
books on holiness, speaking in auditoriums on holiness, or finally getting our
degree so we can go and do something holy?”
What If Prayer Makes Anxiety Worse?
What If Prayer Makes Anxiety Worse? –
“This is why I still pray…or try to pray…in the midst of darkness. Because
eventually the gospel wins out and God breaks through. It happened with Bunyan
and it happens with me.”
Weapons in the Fight Against Anxiety and Fear
Weapons in the Fight
Against Anxiety and Fear
– “The
desire to know why things are happening in our life and even more so to control
things in our life is one of the greatest killers of contentment. It also
proves to be one of the greatest engines of anxiety.”
The Pointlessness of Vegas is Its Point
The Pointlessness of
Vegas is Its Point – “Forget your
conspiracy theories, which are coming thick and fast. Forget your sociological
investigations, and the handwringing over US gun control. The sheer meaningless
of the action is its meaning.”
Thursday, October 5, 2017
10 Promises for Your Bible Reading
10 Promises for Your
Bible Reading – “I need God’s help when I come to his
Word. We need God’s help. Only he can overcome the shallows of
our weariness and enlighten our clouded hearts with his truth. He
actually promises to do these things when believers read their
Flourishing Friendships in Your Church
Flourishing Friendships in Your Church –
“In their book, How Should We Develop Biblical Friendship?, Joel Beeke and
Michael Haykin point out a good way to look at our friendships: concentric
circles of mutual trust and knowledge.”
Enjoying God Fuels Doing Good
Enjoying God Fuels Doing Good –
“Doing good to others isn’t icing on the cake of Christianity. It’s an
essential ingredient. And at the same time, genuinely doing others good doesn’t
happen by human strength alone. Mere willpower will never be the answer.”
The Hole in the World
The Hole in the World
– “Hurricanes come, and
fires and earthquakes and floods and debilitating diseases. Evil people harm
others in acts of shocking cruelty. Worst of all, death is inevitable, for
ourselves and for everyone we love. We live our lives fearing future losses and
grieving past ones.”
11 Ways Engaged Couples Should Deal with Finances Now
11 Ways Engaged Couples Should Deal with Finances Now –
Here are 11 recommendations.
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
The Hard Road is Where You'll Find the Lord
The Hard
Road is Where You'll Find the Lord – “Here is something
worth review: following Christ doesn’t result in a life without difficulty.
Trials are normative, and pain is God’s chosen way to work out holiness and
dependence in our lives. He is a vinedresser who carefully prunes every branch.
He is a loving Father who disciplines all his children.”
Look Up: Trading Introspection for Awe
Look Up:
Trading Introspection for Awe – “Looking to Jesus is
the best and surest way to become more like him. It is, therefore, a serious
mistake to think that we grow in the Christian life by focusing on our sins and
struggles. A biblical approach to transformation is not fundamentally introspective and
self-focused, but Christ-ospective and gospel-focused.”
Where are you on the Adultery Trail?
Where are you on the
Adultery Trail? –
“Adultery is ugly. But before David thought about the act of adultery with
Bathsheba in this famous story, there were two other kinds of adultery he had
already committed.”
The Christian, the World, and the Authority of Christ in Our Lives
The Christian,
the World, and the Authority of Christ in Our Lives –
“In light of this mess we are in let me present three questions every
Christian should ask themselves.”
In the U.S., 110 Million S.T.D. Infections
In the U.S., 110 Million S.T.D. Infections –
This is almost beyond belief and speaks to the sexual promiscuity in our
society. “At any given time, there are
an estimated 110 million sexually transmitted infections in the United States.”
God Is with You in Your Panic Attack
God Is with You in Your Panic Attack –
“Panic attacks have been a source of both grief and grace. Grief, because they
are terrifying and painful and disorienting and exhausting. Grace, because
through them, God has humbled my proud heart and taught me to trust less in
myself and more in Him. When Asaph says, “My flesh and my heart may fail me,
but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever,” boy, do I get it.”
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
3 Ways to Pray for Las Vegas: It’s a Powerful (Not Political) Act for Christians
3 Ways to Pray for Las Vegas: It’s a
Powerful (Not Political) Act for Christians – Prayer is not an empty gesture; it's how Christians
first respond to tragedy.
Do You Delight in God’s People?
Do You Delight in God’s People? – “Why would it be that you, a
professing Christian, would find more joy in people who find no joy in what is
your primary joy? What would that mean?”
Saving the Gospel: A Helicopter View of Galatians
Saving the Gospel: A Helicopter View of Galatians –
This is an important message in a world where, “Almost three-quarters of
Americans (73%) say they are a Christian. However, 55% believe that if a person
is generally good, or does enough good things for others during their life,
they will earn a place in heaven, that good works are sufficient for eternal
10 Things You Should Know about Temptation
10 Things You Should
Know about Temptation
“Let’s look at ten things we should all know about the nature of temptation and
how to defeat it.”
Flee from the Darkness
Flee from the Darkness – “Many women
think that adultery happens when the passion for their husband is at war with
their passion for someone else. But adultery really happens when your passion
for the power and presence of God in your life is at war with the passions of
lust and self-indulgence.”
Don’t Be Weirder than You Have To Be
Don’t Be Weirder than
You Have To Be – “The
point is that we shouldn’t be weirder than we have to be. Whilst we cannot
compromise on sharing the gospel itself, we must think very carefully about how
we are coming across when we do it. Is our very approach to evangelism going to
put people off even before we have said anything at all?”
Monday, October 2, 2017
Trusting Jesus with Things We Can’t Control
Trusting Jesus with Things We Can’t Control –
“Each day, it seems like we have more reasons to feel angst, anger, and anxiety.
Jesus, in our heart of hearts, help us really believe you
are "the ruler of the kings of the earth," and of all
premiers, presidents, and potentates; and of all suffering, sorrows, and
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