Sunday, January 31, 2016

3 Things Your Bible Doesn’t Say About Money

3 Things Your Bible Doesn’t Say About Money – “When it comes to money, God has a lot to say. So it’s time to set the record straight on three things the Bible does not say about money—despite what we may have heard. Here are three wrong views.”

Saturday, January 30, 2016

When Christ Asked ‘Why?’

When Christ Asked ‘Why?’ – “Jesus Christ is the answer for all the cries of our heart. And because of what he has done, we can come freely into the Father’s presence and plead for help.” 

When Life Doesn't Turn out Like It's 'Supposed to'

When Life Doesn't Turn out Like It's 'Supposed to' - How to not worry about meeting other people’s expectations.

When the Detour Becomes Your New Road

When the Detour Becomes Your New Road – Adjusting to the new normal.

The Blessing of Visiting the Sick

The Blessing of Visiting the Sick: In 1892, John D. Wells delivered three lectures at Princeton Theological Seminary that were transcribed and subsequently published in a little booklet titled, The Pastor in the Sickroom. There is a good word for all believers here.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Religion in America Research (Part 2)

Religion in America Research (Part 2)“Pew researcher says neither Christianity nor Evangelicalism are dying in the U.S.”

Kill Your (Celebrity Culture) Worship

Kill Your (Celebrity Culture) WorshipThere are several interesting comments and observations on worship today. The author “right-sizes” a few popular but untrue statements regarding trends and predictions for the future.

China's Population Crisis: An Evangelical Opportunity?

China's Population Crisis: An Evangelical Opportunity? – China's regime cannot stop the growth of Christianity, and may have inadvertently aided it.

Which Christianity?

Which Christianity?“It may look like a church, sing like a church, have stained-glass like a church, and call itself a church, but be careful: It might not be a church.”

How to Have Intimacy with God

How to Have Intimacy with God – “Intimacy with God is available to you. It is as accessible to you as God’s promises. And God’s invitation to you to enjoy intimate fellowship with him is that thing that is putting your faith to the test more than anything else (James 1:2–4).”

Tor and the Trinity

Tor and the Trinity - "It started with a hijab during Advent, and ends with a foundational lesson in the Trinity. Larycia Hawkins, a professor of Politics and International Relations at Wheaton, decided to wear a hijab t…"

Thursday, January 28, 2016

7 Signs You're Way Too Busy

7 Signs You're Way Too Busy - And how to break the cycle.

That Great Teacher: What We Learn From Insecurity

That Great Teacher: What We Learn From InsecurityInsecurity teaches us by revealing where we are not surrendered to God.

Theology That Comforts the Weary Soul

Theology That Comforts the Weary Soul – What truths about God bring you the most comfort when life is uncertain and nothing makes any sense?

The New Tolerance Must Crumble, Says Don Carson

The New Tolerance Must Crumble, Says Don Carson – “Thus, we must not pin our hopes on just getting the politics right. At the end of the day, Christ says: ‘I will build my Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it,’ and that is true whether in suffering or glorious triumph.”

Our Prayer Instincts Are Backwards

Our Prayer Instincts Are Backwards – “Prayer is not intended to move from action to relationship, but from relationship to action.”

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Do You Rejoice When You Suffer?

Do You Rejoice When You Suffer?This biblical truth is so lost to our generation. Take a couple of minutes to consider this one.

11 Questions to Ask Ourselves About Debt

11 Questions to Ask Ourselves About DebtRandy Alcorn looks at the biblical and spiritual side of debt.

Prescribing Hospitality for Growth in the Christian Life

Prescribing Hospitality for Growth in the Christian LifeThe opportunity to serve the Lord and grow through a ministry of hospitality is almost lost today. Here are some good suggestions for engaging.

Do Something Small For God

Do Something Small For GodWe can feel like if we don’t do something great for God, why bother. Well, here’s what God says: “Do small things for me.”

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

How to Resist the Devil

How to Resist the Devil – Here are two important ways.

The Show 'Lucifer' Makes the Devil 'Charming'

The Show 'Lucifer' Makes the Devil 'Charming'“If all I knew of Satan was his portrayal in Lucifer, I would think that he wants the best for me. The truth is, Lucifer wants the worst for me—and for you.”

My Husband’s Cancer and the Lord of Steadfast Love

My Husband’s Cancer and the Lord of Steadfast Love – “I was far from perfect in the storm of my husband’s cancer diagnosis. I was weak. I envied every couple I saw. Hand-holding love birds rubbed salt in my wounds.”

The FAQs: Grand Jury Indicts Filmmakers Who Secretly Recorded Planned Parenthood

The FAQs: Grand Jury Indicts Filmmakers Who Secretly Recorded Planned Parenthood – The issues are complicated and difficult to understand. This article may help to interpret events.

Defy the Impossible in Front of You

Defy the Impossible in Front of You – “We trade the almighty, sovereign, intervening Creator of the universe for a companion to chat with about life’s joys and challenges. We don’t really expect him to show up and change anything; we just hope he’ll keep us company along the way.”

Monday, January 25, 2016

Don’t Rapture the Resurrection

Don’t Rapture the Resurrection – “The problem is, many evangelicals spend more time talking about rapture than resurrection. One is the focal point of the New Testament. One is not.”

3 Ways to Share the Gospel This Week

3 Ways to Share the Gospel This Week“Even though all evangelism involves sharing the same message, not all evangelism occurs in the same manner. Here are three kinds we see modeled in the New Testament.” The key is to choose at least one this week.

The Most Important Ingredient to Improve Your Marriage

The Most Important Ingredient to Improve Your Marriage“According to marriage and relationship expert John Gottman, it boils down to one thing: friendship!”

When the Mormons Come Calling

When the Mormons Come Calling – “You can win the argument and lose the opportunity.”

Friday, January 22, 2016

Religion in America

Religion in AmericaGreg Smith, of Pew Research Center, recently shared his perspective on religion in the United States.

God Does Not Need You to Be Strong

God Does Not Need You to Be StrongGod does not want us to be strong. God wants to be our strength.

What Are the Most Up-to-Date Stats on Pornography?

What Are the Most Up-to-Date Stats on Pornography? - Josh McDowell Ministries and Covenant Eyes have commissioned the Barna Group to do a major study on pornography, called The Porn Phenomenon. Here is a sample of what they found.

Lady Bible Hunters

Lady Bible HuntersThis is a great story about the transmission of the Bible and about people God uses in amazing ways. “Scottish twins Agnes and Margaret Smith were the last people you’d expect to discover one of the earliest known copies of the gospels, but in a dusty closet in an Egyptian monastery in 1859–without a university education or formal language training between them–the God-fearing twins uncovered the Syriac Sinaiticus.”

8 Ways to Grow in the Fear of God

8 Ways to Grow in the Fear of God – In his book The Forgotten Fear, Albert Martin lists eight “specific directives for maintaining and increasing the fear of God in our hearts.” 

Thursday, January 21, 2016

The New Morality: Raising Kids in a Confused Culture

The New Morality: Raising Kids in a Confused Culture - Parenting amidst a rapidly-changing culture can be terrifying. We must rest in Jesus.

Don’t Let the Termites of Discouragement Eat Away at Your Soul

Don’t Let the Termites of Discouragement Eat Away at Your Soul“The people I worked with and the work I did were God’s providential pathway to nurture my spiritual growth, not to impede it.”

Four Reasons to Be of Good Courage in Suffering

Four Reasons to Be of Good Courage in SufferingWhat does it look like to suffer well?

How Pro-Life Christians Honor a Pro-Choice President

How Pro-Life Christians Honor a Pro-Choice PresidentIn this month when we remember the sanctity of life, this article gives suggestions for “rendering to caesar what is caesar’s and to God what is God’s.”

Do Modern Translations Disrespect God by Not Capitalizing Those Personal Pronouns?

Do Modern Translations Disrespect God by Not Capitalizing Those Personal Pronouns? – I’ve been asked this question a few times recently. This is a good explanation and response.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

What Have I to Fear

What Have I to FearHowever you vote this year, don't be motivated by fear.

Running to Win

Running to WinFirst Corinthians 9:25-27 calls us to a life of self-discipline. “Paul provides three specific examples of what it means to run with self-control.”

How You Will Die

How You Will DieWe are all terminal. This infographic shows how and when you will die, given your sex, race, and age…or not.

A Simple Way

A Simple WayHere is one a simple way to spend time with the Lord every day. It may not be your way but it may give you ideas. The main thing is find time to spend with the Lord.

The Scandal of Biblical Illiteracy: It’s Our Problem

The Scandal of Biblical Illiteracy: It’s Our Problem – “Americans revere the Bible–but, by and large, they don’t read it. And because they don’t read it, they have become a nation of biblical illiterates.” 

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Suffering Is Our Story

Suffering Is Our Story“Paul addresses 1 Thessalonians to believers who are suffering for their faith in Jesus and gives us a model of encouragement for ourselves and others.”

Living Intentionally Together as a Married Couple

Living Intentionally Together as a Married Couple – It won’t happen without planning and intent.

Why Donald Trump has a Great Relationship To God

Why Donald Trump has a Great Relationship To God - Donald Trump told CNN last Sunday that he has a "great relationship" with God. He explained: "I like to be good. I don't like to have to ask for forgiveness, and I am good. I don't do a lot of things that are bad. I try to do nothing that's bad."

Why Donald Trump has a Great Relationship To God

Why Donald Trump has a Great Relationship To God - Donald Trump told CNN last Sunday that he has a "great relationship" with God. He explained: "I like to be good. I don't like to have to ask for forgiveness, and I am good. I don't do a lot of things that are bad. I try to do nothing that's bad."

5 Lies American Culture Feeds Us Every Day

5 Lies American Culture Feeds Us Every Day - We've gotten so used to hearing these, we forget they're not even true.

Monday, January 18, 2016

15 Martin Luther King Jr. Quotes That Will Challenge You to Take Action

What Would Martin Luther King, Jr. Say About Abortion?

What Would Martin Luther King, Jr. Say About Abortion? – According to his niece, Dr. Alveda C. King, her uncle “was pro-life, pro-abstinence before marriage, and based his views on the unchanging Word of God.”

Grace for the Micromanaging Parent

Grace for the Micromanaging Parent – “All parents have this sense that no one can care for their child like they can.” 

Being a Neighbor Means Being a Missionary

Being a Neighbor Means Being a Missionary“That day God gave me missionary lenses, and I started to see the cracks: cracks in my neighborhood, cracks in my current relationships, even cracks in my city.”

Dear Dr. King

Dear Dr. KingYou were right. You prophesied, “If today’s church does not recapture the sacrificial spirit of the early church, it will . . . be dismissed as an irrelevant social club with no meaning for the 20th century.”

Iran Frees Pastor Saeed Abedini

Iran Frees Pastor Saeed Abedini His freedom is an answered prayer for many. It is also a reminder of all the Christians still in prisons today for the sake of the Gospel.

3 Keys to Listening During Sermons

3 Keys to Listening During Sermons – “When I’m listening to a sermon I try to always do the following three things….”

A Comforting Word in the Hotel Nightstand

A Comforting Word in the Hotel Nightstand - I thank God for the Gideons and for their passion to share God’s Word.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Any Given Sunday

Any Given Sunday – “Our Father is glad when the family gathers. He is eager to work, ready to pour out his favor and give fresh fillings of his Spirit, when his people assemble to worship his Son.”

12 Ways to Combat Our Pro-Death Culture

12 Ways to Combat Our Pro-Death Culture – Today is Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. Here are some ways we as believers in Christ may pro-actively combat our culture’s cheap and convenient view of human life and its anti-children, free-sex mindset. We will have a special offering for our local crisis pregnancy center next Sunday.

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Five Pieces of ‘Out-Dated’ Dating Advice

Five Pieces of ‘Out-Dated’ Dating Advice“The Old Testament may not be prescriptive when it comes to dating, but it is certainly profitable.” 

Boy and Girl Locker Rooms Going Extinct in States on U.S. Coasts

Boy and Girl Locker Rooms Going Extinct in States on U.S. Coasts“At the end of 2015, two human rights commissions over 2,800 miles apart enacted new rules that could be precedent-setting for the gender battle across the nation, including giving people the right to use whichever locker rooms and bathrooms they choose.”

Friday, January 15, 2016

Isis Attack in Indonesia: A Surprising Fact

Isis Attack in Indonesia: A Surprising Fact“It's hard not to be afraid as ISIS-related terror attacks continue to escalate at home and around the world. Nearly half of Americans are afraid they or a family member will be a victim of such an attack. But here's a surprising fact….”

The FAQs: Anglican Communion ‘Suspends’ Episcopal Church

The FAQs: Anglican Communion ‘Suspends’ Episcopal ChurchYou may have seen the headline. What does it mean and why does it matter?

Report: One Christian Is Martyred Every Hour

Report: One Christian Is Martyred Every Hour - Pray for the persecuted church.

A Prayer for Those Days When We Have More Weariness Than Energy

A Prayer for Those Days When We Have More Weariness Than EnergyThis will also get you ready for Sunday’s sermon at FBCA.

Our Eyes Are a Parable About Faith

Our Eyes Are a Parable About Faith – “Back in anatomy class we learned that, because of the shape of the lenses in our eyes, whenever we look at something, the image we see is turned upside-down…”

7 Pro-Life Resources

7 Pro-Life Resources – These are worth exploring now or bookmarking for future reference.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

2 Chronicles 7:14 Isn’t About American Politics

2 Chronicles 7:14 Isn’t About American Politics“If we take this text and bypass the people of God, applying it to America in general or the Bible Belt in particular, as though our citizenship as Americans or Australians or Albanians is the foundation of the “covenant” God has made with us, the problem is not just that we are misinterpreting the text; the problem is that we are missing Christ.”

The Top 50 Countries Where It’s Now Hardest to be a Christian

The Top 50 Countries Where It’s Now Hardest to be a Christian - “The gap between North Korea and the rest of the world is narrowing, Open Doors said. Throughout the 49 other countries on the list, the dominant and growing source of pressure on Christians is “Islamic extremism.” It is the primary driver of persecution in the rest of the top 10 countries on the list, and in 36 of the entire list of 50 countries. Many of those countries share a common denominator in the 2016 list: the self-proclaimed Islamic State.”

What I’ve Learned About the Bible

What I’ve Learned About the Bible“Today, as never before, the character of the Bible is publicly attacked as cruel and oppressive, and those who uphold the historic view of its truthfulness are seen in the same light.”

Raising Up Encouragers

Raising Up Encouragers “What can we learn from Barnabas to encourage us to become more able encouragers? What characterizes the life of an encourager?” 

Why You Didn't Win the Powerball Lottery

Why You Didn't Win the Powerball Lottery - Here's a perspective on the day after the day.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Lessons from a Pillar of Salt

Lessons from a Pillar of Salt – The Bible says, “Remember Lot’s wife…” Here is why.

9 Unintended Benefits of Small Group Life

9 Unintended Benefits of Small Group Life – Why should you be in a Bible study fellowship group? Here are some great reasons.

Navigating Trials in the New America

Navigating Trials in the New America – “For 350 years in America, the call to be a Christian has not been the call to be an alien. It has not been a call to be a sojourner or an exile or to be out of step with society. Rather, far too many of us have taken it as a call to be a respected citizen in the community.”

There Was a Man Sent from God

There Was a Man Sent from God – “God has chosen to make witnesses the windows through which men see Jesus.”

Let Wheaton and Other Christian Colleges be Christian

Let Wheaton and Other Christian Colleges be Christian “Is it not time that journalists just accepted the fact that Wheaton College is an evangelical Protestant covenant community of higher education and stopped being ‘shocked, shocked’ every time a case arises regarding what the standards of faithfulness are or ought to be in this community?”

The Most Important Thing

The Most Important ThingRay Ortlund shares the most important thing his dad taught him.

22 Ideas to Help Your Children Study And Love the Bible

22 Ideas to Help Your Children Study And Love the Bible“For the last few years, I’ve been gathering the ideas we’ve found helpful for nurturing our children’s interest and skill in reading the Bible…perhaps some of our approaches may encourage you to try some new ideas with your own family.”

Monday, January 11, 2016

3 Warning Signs You're Drifting from Faith Into Superstition

3 Warning Signs You're Drifting from Faith Into Superstition – “My Bible had become more like a rabbit’s foot, something I clipped onto the backpack of life to try and make sure things were going well. We have the tendency to do this, I think – for faith to drift into the realm of superstition, which is really no faith at all.”

A Prayer for Trusting God with Our Kids and Grandkids

A Prayer for Trusting God with Our Kids and Grandkids – “Thank you for reminding us, in this great Scripture, that our children are your gift, not our project.”

When Life Feels Like Drudgery

When Life Feels Like Drudgery“Faithfulness in drudgery is what faithfulness is all about. Most of life is drudgery, isn’t it? The messes, the commute, the weeds that keep growing, the bellies that need feeding, the clothes that need washing.”

Teaching Our Children to Pray

Teaching Our Children to Pray – “I think the Bible gives us some guidance on how and when to teach our children to pray.”

Sunday, January 10, 2016

The Powerball Lottery: What’s at Stake?

The Powerball Lottery: What’s at Stake? – “State-sponsored gambling is a social injustice, since it seeks to use covetousness and addiction to separate people from their means of living. The power of gambling lies in a vision of the “good life.”

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Debt Is Not Your Friend

Here are suggestions for overcoming debt from Sunday's message:

  • Make a commitment…in writing to yourself, your family (if you have one), and to God that you will begin today to climb out of your financial hole.
  • Find a plan that works for you and stick to it. We are offering Financial Peace University as a great way. You need a plan.
  • Spending money can become an addiction…a way to medicate pain. Seek help with your pain.
  • Give up your credit cards if you are not paying them off at the end of the month or not aggressively paying them down.
  • Identify your addictions and put that money toward debt reduction – Starbucks, Diet Coke…the big money for debt reduction is in the little money.
  • Record every penny in a spending log. See the truth, evaluate it. Develop a strategy. Most money problems come from troubles with the “miscellaneous” budget category.
  • Commit to a 30 day extra purchase wait list. Impulse purchases are a huge contributor to debt.
  • Do for yourself what you are currently paying someone else to do such as yard, house cleaning, storage building rentals.
  • Determine the difference between needs and wants.
  • Take full responsibility for your own financial future.

Jim Elliot Quotes That Will Change the Way You Think About Sacrifice

Jim Elliot Quotes That Will Change the Way You Think About Sacrifice - On the anniversary of his death, a collection of his greatest sayings.

Jesus Offers Escape from Hypocrisy

Jesus Offers Escape from Hypocrisy“The Christians in Sardis had the reputation of being alive, but they were not (Revelation 3:1). Their reputation was a phantom of a former real greatness.”

7 Steps to a Sustainable Schedule

7 Steps to a Sustainable Schedule - Here are some simple suggestions for your day.

Four Things Most Wives Want From Their Husbands

Four Things Most Wives Want From Their Husbands “Most wives look to their husbands for at least four things: 1) open, honest, and consistent communication; 2) physical, emotional, and financial protection; 3) quality and quantity time; and 4) continuous pursuit-that is, don’t let romance fade as the marriage matures.”

Friday, January 8, 2016

4 Reasons God Ordains Suffering for His People

4 Reasons God Ordains Suffering for His People“If you’ve trusted in Christ as the Savior and Lord of your life, you can rest in the truth that your afflictions and sufferings come to you for your ultimate good and his ultimate glory.”

The Church Is an Embassy, Not a Social Club

The Church Is an Embassy, Not a Social Club – “The fact is, the church is not a social club or a cruise ship to heaven. It’s a military unit, and one under constant assault from the enemy. So the author of Hebrews says we should not “neglect to meet together,” but rather “stir up one another to love and good works” and “encourage one another” (Heb. 10:24–25).”

Do You Trust Yourself Too Much?

Do You Trust Yourself Too Much?“What does it mean to walk in wisdom? At the heart of it is the submission of one’s mind, heart and life to the Scriptures.”

Hypocrites in the Church

Hypocrites in the Church “Admittedly, the church is full of sinners. In fact, I know of no other organization in the world that requires a person to be a sinner in order to join it.”

Minimize Student Debt, Maximize Christian Mission

Minimize Student Debt, Maximize Christian Mission – How should Christian students in particular think about their finances in this transitional and formative season of life?

Overcome Porn: 40 Day Challenge

Overcome Porn: 40 Day ChallengeThis new app from Covenant Eyes may be of interest to those who struggle with pornography or those attempting to help someone else through a struggle.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Don’t Waste Your Fathering

Don’t Waste Your Fathering“ It is amazing but not surprising, then, that such a God would create us fathers on earth to embody something of his glorious fatherhood above.”

Stop Waiting for Your Church to ‘Feed’ You

Stop Waiting for Your Church to ‘Feed’ You - Discover the real purpose of church.

A Child Was Bored in the Service

A Child Was Bored in the Service –“Many consider the worst sin a church can commit is to bore children.”

Loneliness as Deadly as Lack of Exercise

Loneliness as Deadly as Lack of Exercise“How much health and strength are we sacrificing because we are not prepared to sacrifice the time and energy needed to build true friendships?”

God’s Wonderful Plan for Your Life

God’s Wonderful Plan for Your LifeThis ties in closely with Sunday’s sermon. “Physical exercises are only for a while…but this life of ours in this world is a preparation for eternity…the answer is to look at it all and put it all into its great context and say: ‘We are going on to eternity and this is but the preparatory school. What a difference that makes.”

Seven Reasons Not to Play the Lottery

Seven Reasons Not to Play the Lottery – “Americans now spend more than $70 billion dollars annually on lotteries. That’s more than the combined spending on books, video games, and movie and sporting-event tickets. Lotteries are legal in 43 states.”

The Future of the World’s Most Popular Religion is African

The Future of the World’sMost Popular Religion is AfricanThe Economist shares demographics on Christianity’s worldwide strengths and weaknesses.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

7 Principles of Sabbath Rest

7 Principles of Sabbath Rest – This may be the beginning of a cure for what ails you.

The One Word That Defines Our Parenting

The One Word That Defines Our Parenting – It’s the way our Father in heaven parents us.

Don’t Live Strong, Live Wise

Don’t Live Strong, Live Wise – “Are you spending your short life on what really matters? Life is too short to waste. Live wise.”

10 Resolutions for Christian Parents

10 Resolutions for Christian Parents“As the years go by, we learn to parent from our experiences, the experiences of others, and under the grace of God that we are not perfect parents—and we never will be.”

We Are Getting Closer

We Are Getting CloserThis is an encouraging word for whatever your day holds. “We are closer to faith becoming sight and the day when we will walk in Immanuel’s land. Think about this truth: with the turn of the calendar from 2015 to 2016 we are that much closer to dwelling in the everlasting kingdom of Christ!”

Monday, January 4, 2016

A Guide to Not Bailing on Your New Year’s Resolutions

A Guide to Not Bailing on Your New Year’s Resolutions - Six steps for a productive 2016.

What Do ‘Star Wars’ and ‘Downton Abbey” Have in Common

What Do ‘Star Wars’and ‘Downton Abbey” Have in Common – Denison adds in some key thoughts on resolutions for a new year.

It’s Better to Have a Trouble

It’s Better to Have a Trouble – “It is a better thing to have a trouble, and know how to get grace enough to bear it. That’s because dependence is always better than self-sufficiency in the kingdom of God.” 

One Consuming Question

One Consuming Question – “The one consuming question is this: What weights do I need to shed to run faster and farther in this new year?”

And Then There Were None

And Then There Were NoneThe Economist reports on the Christian exodus from the Middle East. “Overall, the proportion of Middle Easterners who are Christian has dropped from 14% in 1910 to 4% today. Church leaders and pundits have begun to ask whether Christianity will vanish from the Middle East, its cradle, after 2,000 years.”

Can We Sing Too Much About the Cross?

Can We Sing Too Much About the Cross?I think the answer is “no” but “we can sing about the cross in the wrong ways. Here are four I’ve encountered.”

Saturday, January 2, 2016

7 Ways to Approach Your Bible in 2016

7 Ways to Approach Your Bible in 2016Here are seven ways we should approach his Word in 2016.

A Guide to Biblical New Year’s Resolutions

A Guide to Biblical New Year’s Resolutions –  Here are a few biblical resolutions from Colossians 3 to help you think and pray through next year.

Dear Media: Stop Trying To Teach Christians Theology

Dear Media: Stop Trying To Teach Christians TheologyPlease stop trying to teach us what Christianity is all about.

Advice for Another Year of Bible Reading

Advice for Another Year of Bible ReadingHere are some good encouragements for this year’s Bible reading.

Ten Check Up Questions for the New Year

Ten Check Up Questions for the New YearHere are ten excellent questions to consider.

Biblical Archaeology’s Top Ten Discoveries of 2015

Biblical Archaeology’s Top Ten Discoveries of 2015Christianity Today shares the top ten findings of the important excavations taking place in the lands of the Bible.

Gluttony: Gospel Reflections for Foodies & Comfort Eaters

Gluttony: Gospel Reflections for Foodies & Comfort Eaters“Are we really going to talk about gluttony at this time of the year? Do we have to? Yes, we need to talk about it, and if your instinct is to think this discussion can only be a ‘guilt trip,’ then we need to talk about it all the more.”

3 Reminders as You Enter the New Year

3 Reminders as You Enter the New YearHere are some good reminders as we head into a new year.