Monday, August 31, 2015

Snowflake Prayer

Snowflake Prayer - Sunday I mentioned the prayer I've prayed for myself for the last 30 years or so. Here is the version I have utilized.


I give myself anew to You this day
All that I am and all that I have
To be totally and unconditionally Yours for Your using.
Mold me into the image of Your Son
Deliver me from myself
And use me up today
As You will,
when You will,
where You will,
with whom You will
Be glorified in my life this day.


This Story Isn’t About Marriage

This Story Isn’t About Marriage“Kim Davis, a county clerk in Kentucky, has refused to issue marriage licenses to all couples—gay or straight—since the Supreme Court’s Obergefell decision in June. As a Christian, Davis objects to gay marriage. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employers from discriminating against employees on the basis of religion.”

Empathy in the Midst of Enmity

Empathy in the Midst of EnmityHow can we empathize with those we would consider moral enemies? Here’s a start.

One Strategy to Rule Them All

One Strategy to Rule Them All – “The key passage is Romans 1. We could even call it Paul’s apologetics training manual.”

Why You Should Not Wear a Crucifix

Why You Should Not Wear a Crucifix – This certainly isn’t “law” but it may be something most people haven’t thought much about.

Saturday, August 29, 2015

What to Do When You’re Overwhelmed by the World

What to Do When You’re Overwhelmed by the World - Three actions to take.

Life Is Short. Love Your Spouse

Life Is Short. Love Your SpouseThe Ashley Madison Company, a cheating site that is (sadly) very successful, has the following motto: “Life is short. Have an affair.” The lies don’t come much more blatantly than this. Here are some great marriage principles…

Why Are Anti-Judgmental People So Judgmental?

Why Are Anti-Judgmental People So Judgmental? - “There’s a growing trend I’ve noticed and have become concerned about: namely, that people who are anti-judgmental are SO judgmental of anyone else they perceive to be passing judgment.”

Friday, August 28, 2015

There Are No Unanswered Prayers

There Are No Unanswered Prayers – The architect of all creation can dream up things we never would imagine. This is our hope when our prayers go “unanswered.”

When Did the Decline of Marriage Begin in America?

When Did the Decline of Marriage Begin in America? – This is the second article in an occasional series on the marriage revolution.

Loving the Neighbor We Didn’t Choose

Loving the Neighbor We Didn’t Choose – “The neighbor we’re called to love is often not one we choose but one God chooses for us. In fact, this neighbor is often not one we would have chosen had not God done the choosing.”

10 Ways to Overcome Spiritual Weariness

10 Ways to Overcome Spiritual WearinessWeary in parenting, weary in serving, weary in trials and affliction. When we’re weary we can find fresh strength, joy and motivation in Christ. Here are 10 ways to do that:

A Note to Christian Men

A Note to Christian Men - Good reminder to Christian men about women.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Life’s Knots Need Jesus

Life’s Knots Need Jesus – “The more painful knots are the complex spiritual, emotional, and psychological entanglements of indwelling sin or the temperamental weakness, disability, circumstantial adversity, and traumatic past experiences. Combined together, these often shape how we think and what we do in ways that confound us.”

Can We Blame Culture for Our Choices?

Can We Blame Culture for Our Choices? – “A culture can encourage wrong actions, but that does not absolve the individual from their responsibility. We can critique the former without excusing the latter.”

Fasting for Beginners

Fasting for Beginners“Fasting sounds so simple, and yet the world, our flesh, and the devil conspire to introduce all sorts of complications that keep it from happening. In view of helping you start down the slow path to good fasting, here are six simple pieces of advice.”

When Culture Feels Scary

When Culture Feels Scary“Do we live in fear or in hope of the advancing kingdom of God; a kingdom of grace, mercy, forgiveness and joyful repentance?”

Not In Part But the Whole

Not In Part But the Whole – Here’s a good thought from a great hymn.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

How to Repent: 5 Steps

How to Repent: 5 Steps - Psalm 32 is a wonderful place to explore the nature and process of deep repentance. Here are five vital steps.

5 Things We Can Learn from the Ashley Madison Scandal

5 Things We Can Learn from the Ashley Madison Scandal - It's about more than Josh Duggar.

Believers Keep Getting Hooked by Fake News on Internet

Believers Keep Getting Hooked by Fake News on Internet“Believers looking at viral news from alternative sources must learn to check with credible religious publications — from Christian Century to Christianity Today to World Magazine — to see if they have published similar reports.” 

Encouraging Parents of Prodigals

Encouraging Parents of Prodigals“What could be more grievous to Christian parents than to have their adult child reject the Gospel?” This article offers encouragement to those parents.

Organic Food, Essential Oils, and the Gospel of Grace

Organic Food, Essential Oils, and the Gospel of Grace“While eating organic foods and using non-traditional medicine certainly can be valuable, the danger comes when we develop a sense of superiority to go along with it.”

9 Things You Should Know About Margaret Sanger

9 Things You Should Know About Margaret SangerWith the release of revealing videos about Planned Parenthood. It might be helpful to know more about its founder.

Monday, August 24, 2015

31 Ways to Pray for Your Children

31 Ways to Pray for Your Children – At the beginning of a  new school year, I wanted to share this good word by Bob Hostetler. It’s appropriate for children of any age.

"Lord, let salvation spring up within my children, that they may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus, with eternal glory" (Isaiah 45:8, 2 Timothy 2:10).

Growth in grace
"I pray that they may 'grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ'" (2 Peter 3:18).

"Grant, Lord, that my children may learn to 'live a life of love,' through the Spirit who dwells in them" (Ephesians 5:2, Galatians 5:22).

Honesty and integrity
"May integrity and honesty be their virtue and their protection" (Psalm 25:21, NLT).

"Father, help my children not to be like many others around them, but let them be 'alert and self-controlled' in all they do" (1 Thessalonians 5:6)

A love for God's Word
"May my children grow to find your Word 'more precious than gold, than much pure gold; [and] sweeter than honey, than honey from the comb'" (Psalm 19:10).

"God, help my children to love justice as you do and to 'act justly' in all they do" (Psalm 11:7, Micah 6:8).

"May my children always 'be merciful, as [their] Father is merciful'" (Luke 6:36).

Respect (for self, others, authority)
"Father, grant that my children may 'show proper respect to everyone,' as your Word commands" (1 Peter 2:17a).

Strong, biblical self-esteem
"Help my children develop a strong self-esteem that is rooted in the realization that they are 'God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus'" (Ephesians 2:10).

"'Let love and faithfulness never leave [my children],' but bind these twin virtues around their necks and write them on the tablet of their hearts" (Proverbs 3:3).

"May my children always 'Be strong and courageous' in their character and in their actions" (Deuteronomy 31:6).

"'Create in [them] a pure heart, O God,' and let their purity of heart be shown in their actions" (Psalm 51:10).

"Lord, may my children 'always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else'" (1 Thessalonians 5:15).

"Grant that my children may 'be generous and willing to share [and so] lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age'" (1 Timothy 6:18-19).

Peace, peaceability
"Father, let my children 'make every effort to do what leads to peace'" (Romans 14:19).

"May my children be filled 'with the joy given by the Holy Spirit'" (1 Thessalonians 1:6).

"Lord, teach my children perseverance in all they do, and help them especially to 'run with perseverance the race marked out for [them]'" (Hebrews 12:1).

"God, please cultivate in my children the ability to 'show true humility toward all'" (Titus 3:2).

"Lord, please clothe my children with the virtue of compassion" (Colossians 3:12).

"Grant that my children may learn responsibility, 'for each one should carry his own load'" (Galatians 6:5).

"Father, teach my children 'the secret of being content in any and every situation. . . . through him who gives [them] strength'" (Philippians 4:12-13).

"I pray that faith will find root and grow in my children's hearts, that by faith they may gain what has been promised to them" (Luke 17:5-6, Hebrews 11:1-40).

A servant heart
"God, please help my children develop servant hearts, that they may serve wholeheartedly, 'as to the Lord, and not to men'" (Ephesians 6:7, KJV).

"May the God of hope grant that my children may overflow with hope and hopefulness by the power of the Holy Spirit" (Romans 15:13).

The willingness and ability to work hard
"Teach my children, Lord, to value work and to work hard at everything they do, 'as working for the Lord, not for men'" (Colossians 3:23).

A passion for God
"Lord, please instill in my children a soul that "followeth hard after thee," a heart that clings passionately to you (Psalm 63:8, KJV).

"Father, I pray that my children may develop self-discipline, that they may acquire 'a disciplined and prudent life, doing what is right and just and fair'" (Proverbs 1:3).

"Grant, Lord, that my children's lives may be marked by prayerfulness, that they may learn to 'pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests" (Ephesians 6:18).

"Help my children to live lives that are always 'overflowing with thankfulness,' 'always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ'" (Colossians 2:7, Ephesians 5:20).

A heart for missions

"Lord, please help my children to develop a heart for missions, a desire to see your glory declared among the nations, your marvelous deeds among all peoples" (Psalm 96:3).

Four Questions for Fighting Spiritual Apathy & Atrophy

Four Questions for Fighting Spiritual Apathy & Atrophy - Good diagnostic questions toward spiritual growth.

Ashley Madison: Faithlessness

Ashley Madison: Faithlessness – “Basically, Paul describes "Ashley Madison" long before computer hackers made many of us aware that such a website existed. But Paul's words also tell us that those who pay to commit adultery will ultimately pay a much bigger price, if they don't repent.”

Reflections on a Planned Parenthood Protest

Reflections on a Planned Parenthood Protest – John Piper writes about the weekend’s Planned Parenthood protests and the variety of perspective and personalities present.

You Really Don’t Need To Work So Much

You Really Don’t Need To Work So Much“The past fifty years have seen massive gains in productivity, the invention of countless labor-saving devices, and the mass entry of women into the formal workforce.” So why do we all work so many hours?

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Are You a Driven Person?

Are You a Driven Person? – I mentioned a list of chacteristics of a driven person as noted in the book, Ordering Your Private World, Gordon MacDonald. It describes the characteristics of stressed, driven people. I only talked about the first. Here is the full list.

A driven person is:

  1. Usually abnormally busy. They are usually too busy FOR the pursuit of ordinary relationships in marriage, family, or friendship—not to speak of one with God...They operate on the precept that a reputation for busyness is a sign of success and personal importance. Thus they attempt to impress people with the fullness of their schedule.
  2. Most often only gratified by accomplishment. They have little patience for or appreciation of the process leading to accomplishing something. The only worthwhile things are those that produce visible results.
  3. Preoccupied with attaining the things that symbolize accomplishment. Their goal is the ongoing acquisition of those things that represent power and status.
  4. Usually pursuing something that is “bigger” and “more successful” than their last endeavor. Tends to have a limited regard for integrity. “Shortcuts to success become a way of life. Because the goal is so important, they drift into ethical shabbiness.”
  5. Often characterized by limited or undeveloped people skills. “Because their eyes are upon goals and objectives, they rarely take note of the people about them, unless they can be used for the fulfillment of one of the goals.”
  6. Usually highly competitive. They see everything in life as a win-or-lose game. “Winning provides the evidence the driven person desperately needs that he is right, valuable, and important.”
  7. Often typified by “a volcanic force of anger,” which can erupt any time he senses opposition or disloyalty. This anger can be triggered when people disagree, offer an alternative solution to a problem, or even hint at just a bit of criticism.”

9 Parenting Truths from John Piper

9 Parenting Truths from John Piper – Proverbs 22:6: “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

Saturday, August 22, 2015

The Danger of Comparison

The Danger of Comparison“The outgrowth of comparison is jealousy, insecurity, and discontentment. Then love, peace, and worship are choked out in the heart. Comparison, if allowed to root, will extinguish your worship to God.”

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Here Come the Teens—a Bit More Jaded and Cynical

Here Come the Teens—a Bit More Jaded and Cynical“Today, Generation Z is showing signs of a return to the cynicism. By most benchmarks, teens today reveal they have lost faith in the American “system.” The times are different and darker and more distant.”

8 Reasons Why We Should Want to Change

8 Reasons Why We Should Want to Change – “I want a clean heart, and mind, and eyes, and mouth, and everything else. And I don’t mean just “cleaner” but “clean.” I don’t mean just external behavioral change; I mean real heart change.”

God For Us, or God Against Us?

God For Us, or God Against Us?“So, which is it?  Is God for us, or is God against us?  If we are in Christ, the answer is: maybe both.  God is certainly for us, and God might also be against us.”

Guardian Angels?

Guardian Angels?Do we have guardian angels?

Amazing Facts About College Freshmen

Amazing Facts About College Freshmen - Beloit College has just published its annual list of
factoids about students entering their first year of college. Here is Jim
Denison’s commentary on the story.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

The Important Question You Should Ask Before Getting Married

The Important Question You Should Ask Before Getting Married - How Paul answers, and how you should too.

Is The Smartphone Killing Weekend Church Services?

Is The Smartphone Killing Weekend Church Services?Read on down to the section, “Four Things You Can’t Download.”

A Prayer for Declaring Our Trust in the LORD and Naming the Competition

A Prayer for Declaring Our Trust in the LORD and Naming the CompetitionWhile positioned as a prayer, this article names several key areas that compete with our trust in God.

When You Get the Raw End of the Deal

When You Get the Raw End of the Deal“When you suffer injustice – not if, but when – remember, the Judge of all the earth will do what is just. Keep entrusting yourself to him.”

4 Principles for the Exercise of Christian Liberty

4 Principles for the Exercise of Christian Liberty – Paul’s teaching in Romans 14:1–15:13 contains healthy (and very necessary) guidelines for the exercise of Christian liberty. Here are four of them:

The Divisive Person is the One Who Departs from the Truth

The Divisive Person is the One Who Departs from the Truth – “It isn’t those who believe the Bible when it says sin is sin that are being divisive; it is those who are introducing the idea that some sins aren’t.”

When ‘Discernment’ Leads to Disaster

When ‘Discernment’ Leads to Disaster – This article dives into some Baptist history of the last half century. Because of our church’s connections to Baptist denominational issues, you may find the information valuable.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

How to Live Out Your Convictions Without Judging Others

How to Live Out Your Convictions Without Judging Others – Tim Elmore provides some simple conversational examples.

Five Ways Millennials Changed as They Grew Up

Five Ways Millennials Changed as They Grew Up - A new poll, however — sponsored by The Atlantic magazine and the Aspen Institute — offers fresh insight into their current mindsets, now that they’ve graduated school and entered the workaday world. 

4 Verses that Transformed My Evangelism

4 Verses that Transformed My Evangelism – This is an excellent word as we move into Explore God.

A Quarter of Americans Would Not Vote for an Evangelical Presidential Candidate

I Want A Bigger Bible

I Want A Bigger Bible“So, let me offer another reason why we should be excited about growing diversity within evangelicalism: Our Bible will get bigger.”

The Way Is Hard, But He is Strong

The Way Is Hard, But He is Strong“Devils know no chivalry. They are cruel, and conceal their cruelty in the Trojan horses of pleasure and comfort, ‘wisdom’ and ‘security,’ flattery and shame.”

9 Sins the Church Is Okay With

9 Sins the Church Is Okay WithAre we changing the Bible to fit our culture or are we changing our culture to fit the Bible?

Monday, August 17, 2015

Why Do You Need a Fighting Faith?

Why Do You Need a Fighting Faith?  - “Faith is a gift from God, but faith is a fighting grace.” 

Now Sexual Orientation is Seen as “fluid”

Now Sexual Orientation is Seen as “fluid”“Now that gays have won the right to marry, the tune is changing.  Instead of the view that homosexuality is a fixed, permanent, non-alterable state, the word now, including among gays, is that sexual preference is “fluid” and exists along a continuum.”

Why Gay Marriage Can’t Be Christian Marriage

Why Gay Marriage Can’t Be Christian Marriage“At the end of the day either we realize that gender matters, and gender difference is essential to a real Christian marriage, or we totally change the definition of what counts as marriage, what counts as husband and wife, what counts as mother and father Biblically speaking.”

What Would I Lose if I Lost Worship?

What Would I Lose if I Lost Worship? – “In this way worship cuts completely against the grain of consumerism and demands that I worship for his sake and for his glory.”

Friday, August 14, 2015

Why Gay Marriage Proponents Can’t Appeal to the Abolitionist Movement

Why Gay Marriage Proponents Can’t Appeal to the Abolitionist Movement – The argument is popular but doesn’t stand up to truth.

Shutting Down Our Whines with Worship

Shutting Down Our Whines with Worship - Praying through Romans 8:31-37 (NLT).

Keep Speaking

Keep Speaking – “This is not the time for Christian timidity. This is not the time for Christian silence. This is not the time for Christian retreat. This is a time for Christian boldness. It is a time to speak.”

Exposing the Hate

Exposing the Hate - “Abortion, racism, violence, moral apathy, and political posturing. This is the suffocating and nauseating smog that dominates American News. It makes Christian’s pray, ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ Lord.”

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Pull the Mask off of Fear

Pull the Mask off of Fear – “Fear was in my driver’s seat, and it was taking me for a ride.”

What We Get Wrong about Worship

What We Get Wrong about Worship - Christian faith is personal, but it shouldn't just be private.

The Greatest Enemy of the Church

The Greatest Enemy of the Church – “According to Judges, if the people of God want to know who their greatest potential enemy is, they need only do one simple thing: look in the mirror.”

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Five Ways to Increase Your Leadership Capacity

Five Ways to Increase Your Leadership CapacityThis is a practical leadership lesson from Craig Groeschel.

13 Reasons Not to Worry About the Future of the Church

13 Reasons Not to Worry About the Future of the Church – The church has survived and thrived through worse problems than whatever is worrying us today

Unanswered Prayers

Unanswered Prayers – “If we take a moment to look at the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6, you may have a better idea for why some of your prayers are not answered in just the way you wanted.”

12 Things That Every First Time Dad Should Know

12 Things That Every First Time Dad Should Know - There are many things to think about as you prepare for fatherhood. Here are 12 for you to consider as you get ready to meet your son or daughter.

9 Ways to Protect Your Children from Sexual Abuse

9 Ways to Protect Your Children from Sexual AbuseHere are the 9 practical things you can do to protect children.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Catacombs, Cathedrals, and the Kingdom

Catacombs, Cathedrals, and the Kingdom“The catacombs represent simplicity and earthiness; the cathedrals transcendence and wonder. We need them both.”

An Exercise Called Temptation

An Exercise Called Temptation – Will you let temptation devour you, or will you use it to grow in righteousness?

Quotes About Evangelism

Quotes About Evangelism - Here is one of my favorites, “The soul and eternity of one man depends on the voice of another.”

America Welcomes Christians, Jews; Atheists, Muslims Not So Much

America Welcomes Christians, Jews; Atheists, Muslims Not So Much - “Americans are all for religious freedom — but disagree on who can claim it.”

Let Good Things Run Wild

Let Good Things Run Wild – G.K. Chesterton said, “The more I considered Christianity, the more I found that while it had established a rule and order, the chief aim of that order was to give room for good things to run wild.”

Monday, August 10, 2015

What it Actually Means to Love Your Enemies

What it Actually Means to Love Your Enemies - Digging into Jesus' most unreasonable command.

Why Are There So Many Christian Denominations?

Why Are There So Many Christian Denominations? Explore God has many resources to help answer questions people are asking. This is one example. “Like” them on Facebook and you’ll find articles coming up in your newsfeed from time to time. 

The “Together” of Evangelism

The “Together” of Evangelism – “You are called to share the gospel. And (especially if you’re in church leadership of any kind) you are called to encourage others to share the gospel. But don’t feel obliged to do it all by yourself.” 

4 Ways to Protect Your Marriage From an Affair

4 Ways to Protect Your Marriage From an AffairHere’s a helpful post on your marriage and how to protect it.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

10 Reasons a Christian Must Be Pro-Life

10 Reasons a Christian Must Be Pro-Life“To be a Christian means to follow Christ, to be reclaimed by the Creator who became our Redeemer. To be a Christian means to be rescued from evil, our own evil. And when one is rescued from his own evil he longs to see the whole world rescued as well. So what are we to think about these things? Why must a Christian be pro-life? Here are 10 reasons.”

Why Satan Is So Skillful at Tempting Us to Sin

What Does Sola Scriptura Mean?

What Does Sola Scriptura Mean? - John MacArthur explains, “The Reformation principle of sola Scriptura has to do with the sufficiency of Scripture as our supreme authority in all spiritual matters.”

8 Things You Won’t Find in Heaven

8 Things You Won’t Find in Heaven - David Murray tells about 8 things you won’t find in heaven.

How to Repent Without Really Repenting

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

What Tragedy Teaches Us

What Tragedy Teaches Us – “When I’m cut, will I bleed gospel like Mark’s parents Carlos and Leigh Ellen did? Their interviews were compelling because of the gospel that flowed out through their pain. They showed that Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection anchored their hope.”

Sex: The Frontrunner for President

Sex: The Frontrunner for President - Why has sex so captivated American society?

The Gates of Gaza

The Gates of Gaza - “A recent excavation in Israel has uncovered the historic fortifications and monumental gate of a Biblical-era city called Gath.” This was the home of Goliath. It is amazing that archeology continues to reveal and affirm biblical truth.

Gentle Selfishness

Gentle Selfishness - “The kind of behavior we usually think of as selfish is obvious: lying, cheating, stealing, hurting, etc., to get what we want. Everyone recognizes it for what it is. But a gentle selfishness, because of its very gentleness, is subtle, deceptive, and far more difficult to detect than the blatant kind.” The article has some clear examples.

The Anatomy of Sexual Sin

The Anatomy of Sexual Sin – It seems to be everywhere and all the time around us. It affects both the secular world and the believing world. This article seeks to get to the root of things.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Fractured Christians

Fractured Christians – “Jonah warns us that we too can have correct doctrine even while we neglect to love God for being who He is.”

For the Least of These: A Biblical Answer to Poverty

For the Least of These: A Biblical Answer to Poverty – Here is a summary of the new book.

Shortsighted Critiques of Technology and Generational Bias

Shortsighted Critiques of Technology and Generational Bias - “All those young people and their technology. When are they
just going to get their noses out of their phones and be with people in real
life?”— Parents, 10 years ago, when their kids were on Facebook and before they
ran their kids off of it

Did God Betray You?

Did God Betray You? – “When I suffer, I become certain of two things…”

Monday, August 3, 2015

Three Things Jesus Never Told to Make Disciples

Three Things Jesus Never Told to Make Disciples – “Chances are you, like me, have trusted at least one of these other things to do the work Jesus gave to His people.”

When Cancer Interrupts

When Cancer Interrupts - David Powlison is a cancer survivor four times over. His new little booklet, When Cancer Interrupts, contains observations and wise instruction that resonated poignantly with me as a first-time cancer patient. Here is a summary…

What to Do While You’re Waiting on God

What to Do While You’re Waiting on God “Waiting strategically can cultivate good fruit in in our lives such as patience, perseverance, and endurance. It also draws us closer to our Savior and points those who are watching us to the gospel.”

Evidence for the Historical Jesus

Evidence for the Historical Jesus - Here’s a free, updated PDF of Gary Habermas’ book Evidence for the Historical Jesus.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

The Most Important Ear in Worship

The Most Important Ear in Worship – “Consider the glorious God of the universe. First, God’s ears never fail. His hearing, after millennia of listening, is not fading. Second, God is never too far away to hear our cries.”

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Don’t Waste Death

Don’t Waste Death – As we pause to ponder death, we must turn to the Scriptures for answers to questions that death poses.

Your Bible Is a Mine, Not a Museum

Your Bible Is a Mine, Not a MuseumThe distinction is significant.

Pray for Your Children

Pray for Your Children“The priesthood of all believers is not just for theological arguments or proper ecclesiology. It has very practical application for every parent.”

14 Trinitarian Works

14 Trinitarian WorksHere are fourteen ways Father, Son, and Holy Spirit work together in God’s word.

Planned Parenthood: Our Wilberforce Moment

Planned Parenthood: Our Wilberforce Moment – “You may choose to look away, but you can never say again that you did not know.”– William Wilberforce

10 Quick, Important Developments On The Planned Parenthood Scandal

10 Quick, Important Developments On The Planned Parenthood Scandal – Amazingly, this is still not news to our major news outlets.

Exceptionally Ordinary

Exceptionally Ordinary - We need to be reminded of this often. “The assumption is that God will be really pleased if we do something massive (on a human scale) for him. Really? Do you really think God needs you or I to do anything in order to accomplish what he wills?”